Monday, October 19, 2020

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." ~ President Harry S. Truman

Good morning and welcome back. Today we have another Monday to deal with.  This one is tagged as October 19, 2020. If it is a back-to-work Monday for you, then pause and thank God because the latest numbers indicate over 12 million here in our country are unemployed. I am running a wee bit late this morning. I had other stuff going on and I am continuing to fight a late-summer cold. Speaking of the weather, wasn't that a wonderful little wet cold front last Friday? It rained here until nearly noon. I saw the local CBS affiliate, Channel 11's top weather guy, David Paul, tweeted out this little ditty: "The cold front came in wetter and stronger than was forecasted." Wow! That may have been close to an admission. Rare indeed! We needed the rain, although it didn't really make our place that wet. The news media were not that interested in fact-checking the charges made against President Trump regarding collusion with Russia. However, they are falling all over themselves with regard to the leaking of information pertaining to Vice President Biden's son, Hunter. Facebook and Twitter actually refused to publish the information even though it was published by the New York Post. They claim all kinds of reasons, but, in the end, it is clear they handled one story one way and are now handling another story in a different way. Since the New York Times was pushing the now known to be discredited Trump charges, and, that story fit the narrative of the left, well, that's how things go in today's America where freedom of speech is in the eye of the beholder and in this situation, it is in the eyes of those sworn to take President Trump down. I believe the FBI is actually looking into the Hunter Biden information to see if maybe it was planted. How deja vu all over again, except in this case they want to get to the bottom of it when before they participated in the fabricating of information. I had better stop while I am ahead or this blog will not be allowed to be published. 

Now that I have everyone all riled up, I am going to take some allergy medication and I might even think about thinking about going back to bed. I saw one blurb from one of the biggest newspapers and it talked about how the good news is the lead that Biden continues to have over President Trump, and the bad news is how it is almost a certainty that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. My thought is this: If people of faith who love our country will get out and vote their convictions, the so-called sizeable lead will be swallowed up by a resounding electoral college win for the President. Maybe the large liberal population centers will again deny him a popular vote majority, but, the voice of the people will be heard and that is why our presidential election process works the way it does. Okay, y'all get out there and have a wonderful day and I will see if there's anything worth sharing, come tomorrow, that is, Lord willing, of course. Amen. .....More later.

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