Tuesday, August 4, 2020

“Growing old is humbling and it takes effort to accomplish this stage of life with dignity.” ~ copied

Good morning and welcome to Tuesday, August 4, 2020. There's not much to report here at the ole blogger ranch today. I thought about saying we are slow waltzing through our slow days, but, that would imply I know how to waltz. Even though most of the Church girls who were prohibited from even thinking about thinking about dancing somehow learned how, I was reduced to learning only to do the twist. I can say with certainty I am not slow twisting through our slow days. Too much friction and Uncle Arthur, (formal name: Arthritis) would be hollering if I tried. I told my doctor I am beginning to experience some tingling irritation in my toes and I wondered if it might be diabetic neuropathy. He said, "I suspect it is." Well, okay then. I told him it wasn't really that painful but it was noticeable and somewhat uncomfortable. He nodded his head. Well, okay then. I suppose now that we all know, we move on. Maybe next time I'll go barefooted and he will pay more attention. I say that jokingly because we have been blessed to have good doctors taking care of both the wife and me. We have the same primary care because we had the same primary care before who became a medical missionary to Africa and he recommended the one we currently have. The fellow who left was younger. The one we have now is older. They have a similar bedside manner, straightforward, direct, and to the point. In other words, "You have been a diagnosed Diabetic 2 patient now for 20 years, you'll soon be 74 years young, and you have some early signs of neuropathy, sounds about right." And, we continue the journey and are thankful for how well we are doing and see it as a provision from God. Amen

We have around 52 older folks on our enrollment for our Sunday School class. Recent polling of the class indicates that 30% of those asked feel like they are ready to recommence in-person Sunday School studies. That would be around 15 folks. (Maybe a few less because some on the roll are not able to come due to long-term health issues.) We, as a local congregation, have targeted September 13 as the day to return to in-person Sunday School. Those who say they are ready indicated events on the ground would most likely need to be assessed before they could be certain. I predicted this because when it comes to older folks, well, I am one. Just so you know, the wife and I are ready to return, but with the same stipulation. Our pastor mentioned this past Sunday the results from the respected Christian polling organization Barna Group showing 41% of those who identified themselves as faithful attendees in March have not attended any service since then and had not watched the streaming services from their local assembly. In other words, since the pandemic, they have set Church aside. I suppose one would have to know what folks consider to be 'faithful'. Faithful to attend? Or, faithful to God? Here is a brief excerpt from a note I sent out to our Bible study class, "Marilyn and I, thus far, are well. We miss seeing our family and yes, we miss our Church/class family as well. While everyone jokes about watching the services in their pajamas, it is clear that God's design is for us to be together to build each other up and to jointly pursue the calling He has given to us. With all that is happening, it is easy to become discouraged but we have the Lord and we have each other. I so look forward to the day when the all-clear is sounded and we can again assemble ourselves together." That word to them was as much a word to myself. And, to us all. Amen

I had, on behalf of the family, to venture out to the big box store to pick up supplies the other day. I parked in my regular area. We are, after all, creatures of habit. One problem. The entrance on that end was closed. Period. I was already out, therefore, I walked to the other end to enter the store. I was very impressed with the way the majority of folks were doing their best to observe the COVID protocols. I did notice something while I was there. It was hard to miss. The shelves are beginning to begin to be less than fully stocked. This most likely has to do with many suppliers who have been hard-pressed to keep up production with missing employees who have been impacted by the virus. It wasn't the same as early on in the pandemic, but, it had some hints of it heading in that direction. Of course, that was my man-on-the-street observation, so don't take my word as being authoritative. It was, to me, a little like deja vu all over again. No. I did not buy in case lots or anything like that. I had not been there in some time, therefore, I was just a little surprised at what I found. I don't look forward to a return to the early time slot for old people, but, we wake up every day and we do what we have to do, with God's help and His provision. That's how we roll. Amen. .....More later. 

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