Friday, March 20, 2020

Hunker Down Friday, more of the same, keep at it until further notice.

Good morning to all my quarantined readers. It is Friday, March 20, 2020, and, I bring you greetings from where we are doing our best to stay put here at our home location. I know the word unprecedented has been used over and over to describe what we are going through with regards to the coronavirus threat, but, for most of us, it is different than anything we have ever experienced. I saw a special news conference yesterday where the youngest of those in positions of government were pleading with teens, and those in their twenties and thirties to heed the warnings about curtailing their movements and social engagement. The fact those ages have not been deemed high risk has caused some of them to operate mostly on a business as usual basis. One of the things said over and over was how no younger person wants to be the one who brings the virus to an older loved one. This staying home is not easy for any of us but for the younger ones, I can see why they are easily bored and feel like they have to get out and go. Add to that the feeling of invincibility we all had at those younger ages and you get the need to have these types of warnings. I will admit I wrestled with my designation of being in the at or high-risk category. However, when they announced the age groups I didn't have to check my driver's license to see where I landed.

In a somewhat similar situation regarding staying at home, here's what we were up to, twelve years ago: ~ On Saturday she announced that we should do something, together. We should? She said she knew that I was perfectly happy if we never went anywhere but she wanted us to do something, together. I had plenty of things already stacked up on my mental plate but I was agreeable to try and find something for us to do, together. I looked on the computer and found some of the usual suspects like museums, parks, and things like that. None of them appealed to her so we decided to look for a movie. I read about the movies showing in our area and concluded most of them were not suitable for viewing except for the new animated film, ‘Horton Hears A Who!’. I told her about my findings and we decided to go and see this movie. We were the only ones there with no little ones but I very much enjoyed this film. Can you spell s-e-n-i-l-i-t-y? ~

Based on what I am seeing on social media there's a whole lot of praying going on. For this area, the price of oil has everyone spooked. It hit below $20 a barrel day before yesterday. I checked it a few minutes ago and it was $25 plus some change. That, my friend, will devastate the oil industry and when it does it will have a vortex effect on all other businesses. How do I know that? I've lived through it in my working life at least four different times, but, not with prices this low. While some are hooping and hollering about the price at the pump, (even though they have nowhere to go), that low price euphoria will be shortlived and what follows will not be any reason to celebrate. I mention that as one example since an estimated 6.7 million oilfield workers could be laid off at any time. And, there are others. Restaurants. Fastfood joints. And, the entirety of the service economy is very much at risk. Maybe that's why so many are praying. Good reasons. I should join in. You should join in. We all should be calling out to God. Yep. It's that serious folks. But, He can. We can't. Amen. .....More later.

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