Wednesday, March 11, 2020

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

Good morning and welcome. Today is Wednesday, March 11, 2020. I've been reading some about the panic buying that has been going on connected to the coronavirus scare. In addition to the shelves being cleaned out of hand sanitizer supplies, water, and breathing masks of all kinds, toilet paper is being hoarded like never before. That last one has even the experts scratching their heads. Don't believe me? Google it and you will see the variety of psychological analyses attempting to understand why toilet paper is being stockpiled. Even worse, restaurants and other businesses are reporting the theft of their on-hand sanitizer products and toilet paper. Generally speaking, most of the experts say the toilet paper buying has to do with a deep-seated need to not give up the conveniences of modern life. I will confess that we have not participated in this panic prepping process. I am believing it will all get sorted out before we find ourselves without. That might be pie in the sky thinking, but, it is the route we have taken thus far. We are aware of the connection between recognized threats and being prepared having gone through a half dozen or more hurricanes over the years. I am also beginning to see articles that connect this virus to the biblical prophecies concerning pestilences in the end times. One thing is certain. It is clear that human wherewithal cannot solve every issue in this fallen world. That's why it is always a good thing to seek God at all times. Amen.

At times, it takes me a while to figure things out. The wife has been a part of a ladies' Bible study of one kind or another for maybe twenty years or longer. Most of them are held right here in our home. It dawned on me the other day that all the ladies in the class are widows except for the wife. In fact, she mostly is friends with and hangs out with widows. Her bestest in the whole world is her twin sister who is 18 months older and she was widowed up until a couple of years ago. I'm not sure if there are any subliminal messages here. You know, woman's intuition and all of that kind of stuff. I do know her widow buddies have fewer complications when they plan trips and things like that. They don't have someone like me talking about the 'Home Alone' movies when they leave. Maybe she is just doing the training wheels deal, you know, like the Boy Scout motto, "Be Prepared." At least that's what it was back in my Tenderfoot days. I've talked about this now, but, the truth is she most likely hasn't even thought about it in these terms. These folks are her friends, period. This doesn't mean I'm not going to be talking about the 'Home Alone' movies when she leaves me for one of their boondoggle trips. (Defined as: an activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.) That would, of course, be from the perspective of the one who is home alone. It's meant to be humorous, so don't make more out of it than you should. Thanks.

I am getting closer to the sleeping mask adventure. Next Monday I go for a mask fitting session. Who would have ever thought they would even have such a thing? Once that is done I will receive the machine and that will begin another chapter in my personal version of the Travolta hit song, 'Stayin Alive'. I am not trying to be melodramatic. I am being melodramatic. I'm not sure I've ever used that word. That's why I used it twice in such close proximity. I know this is off the wall but I do wonder if I could find one of those professional wrestler's masks. I would then need a name to go with it. Maybe something like Snoritus the Great. I know. It needs work. It was at least sleeping related. Hopefully, we will get on with this matter next week. I did see numerous 'what to expect' sites that deal with the transition to the CPAP machine. I will likely read them just before getting ready to get ready to go live. That's the idea. Right? Live? To keep it that way. Okay. I've talked more than enough about this but I didn't really have anything else going for this morning, therefore, I had to go with what was on my mind. Yes. I do remember that theme. And, yes, it is a terrible thing to waste. At least I didn't get all mixed up in the quote like Vice President Dan Quayle did. Known for his speaking mixups, in a speech to the United Negro College Fund, he put it this way, "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." On some days I actually resemble that remark. Have a great rest of the day and may God add His blessings. Amen. .....More later.

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