Friday, March 6, 2020

"Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Back from my medical appointment, yesterday morning, low 60's, nice breeze, glorious day. 
Well, hello there, my it hasn't been that long, has it? It is Friday, March 6, 2020, and I am glad to report to you once again from the home front. I did have my meeting with the medical lady who is using up a whole lot of the alphabet with her credentials list. I will give it to you straight. I have never watched one episode of the hit series, "The Walking Dead" but I do know people who think it is a great show. It has something to do with zombies and stuff like that which doesn't really do anything for me. I mention it because the lady more or less put forth a category regarding my sleep apnea as "The Sleeping Dead". I know that sounds ominous but according to all the charts, graphs, and other supporting documentation, my problem is at the very top of the exposure chain. She even used the word mortality as if I wouldn't know it meant 'death'. Having been given all of those dire results from the in-home sleep study, I was then told I could not pass go or collect my $200, but, I must proceed immediately to a CPAP machine. The other four or five solutions did not apply to my diagnosis. She went on to say that based on their recent performance, it should not take more than a couple of weeks for it to be made available. I suppose I will stay up all night until it gets here. Hey, I'm thankful for her assistance, the help that is available, and the potential for dealing with this issue. I consider myself to be blessed. The wife's comment was telling, "Now you will believe me when I tell you I know something about your sleeping habits." I do hate it when she is right. But, I appreciate her pushing me to check into it. I really do. The technician said the unit would produce something akin to white noise. I assume I didn't have a sound color choice.

It's Time Change weekend again. Spring forward. I saw an ad on Facebook for a local congregation where they were encouraging their members not to change their clocks but to come to Church one hour later than usual. I have no idea how that works, but, I do know, to me, it smacks of much confusion. Here is a snapshot of a portion of a blog I wrote on this date 12 years ago: ~ It's Friday, if God gives us tomorrow, it will be the end of the week, Saturday. It's also time change weekend. That dreaded one where you spring forward your clocks by one hour. Thus far, we have missed only one time change in our forty-three years together. It was in the early 1970s and I can still remember driving into the parking lot of our Church property and wondering how it could be that so many people would be there so early. I was still puzzling over this strange 'Twilight Zone' feeling but when we walked into the building I immediately saw those looks that said very loudly we know what you did. That was pretty tough on me because it happened during that phase of my life when I was mostly right about everything. If I had to guess, I most likely blamed my wife. By the way, I've learned that I am not mostly right about everything and I do often miss the mark. Therefore, I put you on notice to save you the embarrassment of showing up late at the Sunday meeting place as you begin your week with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Enjoy your Friday and may God bless us all! Amen. ~

It has been an interesting week. I now know officially I am good at not breathing when I am supposed to be sleeping. I had an idea I was killing off way more of the gray cells than normal. You know, oxygen deprivation and all of that stuff. I hope you don't think I am taking this lying down. Joking only, because I am dealing with this lying down as in sleeping, etc. One of the funny things that happened in the session with the medical technician had to do with some forth and back on the subject of me lying on my back. I told the technician the wife only observed me lying on my back when I was in my recliner because I always sleep on my side. The wife said that's not really true. The technician lady looked at her and then looked at me and smiled. She flipped to the end of the charts and said according to their monitoring I do sleep on my back in my bed some 40% of the time. They both seemed to enjoy the moment. Me? Not so much. I hope no one is offended by me poking a little fun at myself. Yes. I do realize this is a serious matter. You certainly don't hear the words 'increased risk of mortality' without it getting your attention. At the same time, God is still on His throne and He will see me through to the end. That reminds me of something we picked up and used to tell each other as kids. "We are friends to the end, but, sorry, this is the end, my friend." And, when it's all said and done, the Bible is true: "A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." (Proverbs 17:22) Amen. ......More later.

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