Monday, January 27, 2020

Maybe the song should have said, "These malls are made for walking!"

Welcome back to where I am typically skating on the thin ice found in the realm of the blogosphere. It is Monday, January 27, 2020, and, this brand new month in this brand new year in this brand new century seems to have flown by. Since we have returned of late to our walking at the big mall, I will bring you up to date on some recent observations. The workers waiting to go in at the up-scale stores are dressed better than other workers and they act like they are of the higher class. That's what they communicate to me. The cleaning staff at the mall who are very hard workers, well, for the most part, they are some of the nicest folks around. Don't get me wrong. Not that many people recognize it but we do. How? We've seen some of these folks for many years and we always speak to them. I don't think many of the workers at the up-scale joints would do that. Folks who walk each day come in all ages, colors and many have obvious challenges that are a part of their identity. Those on walkers. The elderly gentleman taking baby steps with his friend beside him walking at the same pace even though he could walk faster. Some travel in a wheelchair pushed by their mate or their caretaker. Some travel in groups. Mostly ladies. Mostly talking. Some of them talking really loud about things I really have no interest in. The mostly younger rank and file workers can be seen trying to find their way to their workplace. Some of them look like they were in bed five minutes ago. Others appear to be auditioning to play the blind person in a movie as they stumble and feel their way along. Okay. Some slight exaggerations perhaps, but, if our country is defined as a melting pot, the mall is a great example. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Why is it that people like myself and millions of others think President Trump has never gotten fair or balanced coverage from the mainstream media? The photo above will give you a hint. It is none other than George Stephanopoulos, head of all news for ABC. The live on-screen coverage accidentally caught him using the cut off signal for the lawyer speaking on behalf of President Trump regarding the impeachment trial. They had invited the lawyer to share his thoughts. (That sign from antiquity originated with the off with their head from the royal authority.) They obviously did not like what he was saying. Instead of letting him finish his comments, the head of ABC news indicated he should be cut off. He then turned to his ultra-liberal guest to continue the dialogue piling up their hatred against the President and gushing how the Democrat Manager prosecutors are doing an unbelievably wonderful job. The mainstream media beats a steady drum in saying the negative and untrue comments made by the President have created a hostile environment for the press. Untrue? Really? Here is what you can do? Go find the clip and play it for yourself. And, may I add again, I report, you decide! Let me know if you think I missed what was going on. And, let me be clear. They have the right to choose to cover what they determine they will cover. However, they do not have the presumed guarantee that everyone will blindly accept it when they say they are totally unbiased and always fair. They prove otherwise in every facet of their coverage.

Now that I have that off my chest I can move on. In case you were wondering, I do get stirred up when I see an in your face example like the one above. No subtlety in that one. You might be one of those who say, "Oh well," and that's okay, but it is not me. And, I do feel the sense of helplessness we all feel in terms of what we can do about it. We can be aware. We can be informed. We can do what we can do. Primarily, at the ballot box. Okay. The red on the map above shows what folks can do if they exercise their right to vote. That map shows why those on the left are doing all they can to get rid of the founders' genius decision to make sure 'all' Americans voting in any Presidential election are represented through the Electoral College system. If they are able to get rid of this protection, the huge population centers in the east and in the west will overwhelm and negate the red states on the map. For those of you who shrug, I'm sorry, because this is an issue if it were to be changed, it will forever change the lives and times of all generations to come in our Republic. That might seem to be too much in the weeds, but, I will tell you this. They are counting on the red states, especially those who identify as Christian, to be so disgusted with all that is happening they will just sit out the next election. That would be a very sad day for us all. No. I am not into gloom and doom. My faith informs my beliefs and I do know that God has this within His control. At the same time, He has given us admonitions to participate in the God-ordained provision of government. Our civic duty. Our spiritual duty. Enough already. Please don't send me a soapbox. I have plenty of spares. May God help us all and may God bless the United States of America. Amen. ....More later.

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