Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Happy 10th Birthday to our Madi-girl!

Good morning and welcome. It's Tuesday, January 7, 2019, and I am so glad to pause to think about our very first great-grand, Madelyn Joy (Madi-girl), born on this day, ten years ago. There has always been something special about this child and we thank God for her and pray that He will work in her life, be with her as she grows and develops and that He will add His blessings. Happy Birthday, Madi. Our love, Great Grands, MiMi, and Poppy.

If anyone who reads my blog can, they should. I am talking about attending the annual Bible conference at our local fellowship, Mims Baptist Church, Conroe, Texas. It begins this Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. Some of the finest expository preachers in America are scheduled to present sermons. There are morning and evening sessions on Thursday and Friday. Lunch will be available with a noted Bible scholar speaking. The final session will be on Sunday morning with a Southern Gospel concert Sunday evening. As God provides, we plan to be at every session. It can be a time of renewal and revival for believers. It can be life-changing for those who have never been changed by the Lord Jesus Christ. The specific details are available at the Mims Baptist Facebook page or the Church website,  https://www.mimsbaptist.orgThis will be my third conference at Mims. If you are working, take off. If you have plans, change them. Reschedule your appointments. Do whatever you need to do. It's that meaningful. Great music, including our choir and orchestra, special music from prominent Southern Gospel groups, and, Spirit blessed preaching that will change your life. See you there! Amen.

I typically don't do commercials, but, this is one I feel strongly about. Yep. You got it right on your first guess. I need all the help I can get. But, don't you attend every service already and don't you also teach a Bible study class? Guilty on all counts. However, there is something special about devoting considerable time to hearing the Word of God. Focused time. God will bless and as I have made clear since day one of my blogging program, no one needs it more than yours truly. How can that be? Trust me. I know me, myself, and I, all too well. At any rate, I am looking forward to what God is going to do this week. Sure. I know I will be challenged and convicted. This is how God works in the hearts of those who are His own. If you cannot attend, I'm sure the sermons will be streamed on Facebook. Check them out. Let me know if I have misled anyone about this conference. Until next time, may God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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