Wednesday, January 22, 2020

"A quiet man is a thinking man. A quiet woman is usually mad." ~ copied, unattributed

From the previous 'to be continued' episode. Just kidding. I've wanted to use that one for a while and when you think about it, every episode is continued. In one way or another. Perhaps not connected but continued as in what you see is what you get. That kind of continuation. It is Wednesday, January 22, 2020, and as Sonny and Cher used to sing, "The Beat Goes On". We know that some march to a different drumbeat, drummer, beat, etc. They seem to be somewhat out of step when it comes to the so-called norms. Or, perhaps, they just can't find a seat when the music stops. I hated that game as a kid. I typically had to get rough with a girl and that went against everything I had been taught. But, to allow anyone to have the only vacant seat would have left me standing. All by myself. Therefore, I had to become somewhat of a beast in pushing and shoving my way to an empty seat. Like I say, I didn't really care for that game but as I recall the girls didn't mind being that close to the boys. Girls. I couldn't figure them out then and the one who has been with me for these 55 plus years, well, there are times when I still don't have a clue. The mysteries of life. And, that beat goes on as well!

We know there are differences between men and women. Right? God made it that way. While the joke is way overdone, I still hear ladies laughing out loud when one of them says,  "Moses was leading his people through the desert for 40 years. It seems, even in Biblical times, men avoided asking for directions." They also like to chuckle at this one, "A woman will only be equal to a man when she can walk down the street with a bald head and her gut hanging over her belt and still think all the men are looking at her." Sometimes their jokes really sting, "If you can't say something nice, say it to your husband because he's not listening to you anyway." Cruel. They say things when they are together they should be ashamed of, "Why does the Black Widow spider kill her lover after they mate? She wants to stop the snoring before it starts." How sad is that? From the man's point of view, "Husbands should forget their mistakes, no use two people remembering them." Sometimes a wife can make a man feel like, "All men are idiots but I didn't know I had married the king." The ladies never give us credit for our idea about a gourmet restaurant, that being any that does not have a drive-through window. They also act insulted when men tell jokes about them. Like this one. What two things does a husband need to learn to say in order to have a peaceful life? 1) You are right. 2) Yes, Mam. I still think that's a good one. They also feign being offended if a man jokes, "She's beginning to sound reasonable, it must be time to up my medication." The mysteries of life. And, that beat goes on as well!

I actually wrote about this subject because it is universal and we all have our fun with it. However, God not only created man and woman to be different but He also has a plan for each one. It is laid out for us in His Word, what we call, The Bible. To become who He wants us to become is the greatest goal we all could have in life, as a man, woman, boy, or girl, and, very much so as a husband and wife. It is the textbook for life. Sadly, most fail to consult its clear teachings on life and all its entangled parts. Even those of us who are identified as believers and are called the children of God often fail to heed the directions given in The Book. The world's program does not align itself with the Word of God. It teaches choices and approaches that are contrary to The Creator. My point? If we want to live in harmony with God's plan for the family, we have to do life His way. It's our choice and as we all have learned, choices do have consequences. It will not surprise anyone how this matter reminded me of an incident that occurred and was recorded in The Scriptures. Joshua called together the tribes of Israel to re-establish their covenant with Jehovah God. You can read the entire account in the Book of Joshua, Chapter 24. Here is the excerpt that I will leave us all to think about for today, Verse 14 "Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! Verse 15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Okay. That's all I have for today. Take care now, you hear? May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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