Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am thankful that God arranged for me to be a citizen of the United States of America!

On this Thanksgiving Day eve, I welcome you back to my brief series of sharing expressions of a grateful heart on this Wednesday, November 25, 2009. A few weeks ago at our mid-week Bible study and prayer time, our little group of mostly white hairs stumbled through several patriotic songs to honor America and on that particular day, the men and women who have honorably worn the uniform of our country. While the sound may not have been professional, the Godly pride and spirit of patriotism came through loud and clear. America the beautiful, and it is, sweet land of liberty, and it is, and God bless America, and we pray that He will ….were just a few of the sentiments expressed in our singing together. Now we think seriously about our nation since we will be enjoying a national holiday in our Thanksgiving Observance.

There is a move afoot among the historical revisionists to remove the deeply held religious convictions that helped give birth to our great nation. These so-called scholars pick out a handful of noted skeptics and try to portray our founding as basically reflecting these secular viewpoints. So-called is right! The overwhelming majority of those who put their lives on the line to help build this nation, I mean by a landslide, were people who believed in God, and His providence, and in His help in the building of this grand experiment we call the United States of America. As believers, I think our pride should always be bathed in humility because we know that God was at work in giving us the nation we have. Our founding was in large measure based on Christian values and moral principles. Don’t believe me, go and read it for yourself. Make sure you read all the founders and come back with a tally of how many were believers whose faith informed their actions. We are a nation under God as proven by our history.

We are also a nation blessed by God to be a blessing. Yes, we are going through some choppy waters at this time and we have faced them before, however, God has stood beside us to guide us through the night with the light from above. Therefore, we rise up to give praise, honor, and thanksgiving to God for the country we live in and love. Does America need revival back to God? Absolutely! Are we still one of the most blessed nations on the face of the earth? Absolutely! As we gather together with our families and friends to enjoy a time of fellowship and feasting, may we never forget the blessings that God has shown to our nation. May we never forget those who have given their all that we might be free. May we not forget those who continue to answer the call and in this very hour they stand in harm’s way to defend and protect our way of life. May God be thanked for America and may we, who are His people, turn back to Him once again for the sake of our nation and our children and their children! Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless each one in a very special way. Amen.

I will be off the next few days to enjoy time with family. I plan to run over to Louisiana to visit my mom and dad on Friday. I am thankful for the time off, and Lord willing I will be back making noise on the old keyboard next Monday morning. Until then, take care and enjoy and don't forget to remember to be THANKFUL! …..More later.

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