Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to our Stefani!

Good Friday morning and welcome again to Poppy’s musings about one of his favorite topics: Grandchildren! It is November 20, 2009 and we are looking forward to celebrating the 16th birthday of our eldest son’s youngest daughter this coming Sunday. Stefani came along the year her Poppy left the big company after nearly 24 years of devoted service. This was a huge change for our family. I was blessed to find work as a consultant and for 18 consecutive months I traveled every other week to Chicago. When I was in town I helped watch over Stef. She would stay with me each day. She doesn’t remember it, of course, and I like to kid her about it. But, it is a blessing to have been a part of her life from the very beginning.

Tiffany, Brittany, and Stefani. We are thankful for these three lovely granddaughters who couldn’t be more different. Her dad and his two brothers were exactly that way as well. It takes some of us a while to realize the uniqueness of each child and to do our part in helping to shape them based on how God has equipped each one. It’s been tough on MiMi and Poppy to see these little ones grow into young women. At one time they hung onto their Poppy like there was no tomorrow but that gave way to them getting closer and closer to their MiMi. Now we see them as young women and while we will always cherish those childhood special times, we seek God’s best for them as they make their way forward.

Stef has a keen mind and she carries with it a personality to match. She also has a mind of her own and I well remember getting up close and personal with that character trait back when she was barely a toddler. She is a big time video game person. She actually favors some of the war games. She would make a pretty tough commander. As I write this today my mind’s eye can see her develop over the years. Sleepovers, special occasions, hugs and kisses, and make believe and dress up time, and so much more, and we thank God for our Stefani. May God bless you and keep you as we celebrate your special day, your 16th birthday! Amen. Love, MiMi and Poppy. ......More later.

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