Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God's Good News Always Trumps Any and All Bad News!

Welcome to Tuesday, July 8th. Those of you who read my blog much at all have most likely noticed that I dabble some in the study of history. My wife has often commented that perhaps I was maybe born at the wrong time since I focus so much on previous periods and events. I readily admit that dwelling on yesterdays can, if we are not careful in our balance, keep us from embracing the very present day which is only twenty four hours away from being a yesterday. At the same time, we are called upon by our great God to consider the facts of history and to evaluate how people acted and how they fared in terms of their relationship with Him. Just seventy six years ago today the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit its lowest point during the Great Depression, closing at 41.22. This was a horrific time of economic distress and the suicide rate increased from 14 deaths to 17 deaths per 100,000 in the population.

The American Great Depression by all accounts was a dismal ten years of struggle just to survive. Some are predicting a similar situation for our country as the economic engine continues to spit and sputter. There are already predictions that the current suicide rate will begin to increase as these economic hard times become even more so. I received an ominous email yesterday from a dear brother in Christ who is connected into the world's monetary trading markets. He had received some inside information from a source that shared the contents of some mailings going out from major European banks. Their news for their shareholders was chilling. Much of their warnings of more gloom and doom to come was directly connected to their concerns over the US economy. Of course the good news is that my Christian friend was able to put all this bad news into a good news context. I'll give you my summation of what his hopeful message was: God is still God and we are His very own, and no news, no matter how bad it might be is going to change that!

I didn't go through the Great Depression but I know people who did. I saw how my grandparents lived and how careful they were in making sure they didn't waste anything. I see that same care taken by my mom who was young at the time but she does remember how tough those times were. I noticed recently in the British press how the Prime Minister was calling upon his fellow citizens to stop wasting food, and how much could be saved if everyone would do a better job of conserving the resources consumed. My grandparents understood that. My mom understands that. They had the great reality of history itself to impress that upon their minds. Yet, you and I today would have to agree that using good judgment with regard to every area of our life in how we utilize the necessities we consume is not only good common sense, but doing so would be very much aligned with biblical principles. My friend who sent me the email made some excellent points regarding prophetic predictions from God's Word regarding how things will go just before the very end is ushered in. It is always appropriate to view all of history including current events in light of God's Word. In seeking God's Word we find God Himself in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ and He is where we can find the hope we need to carry on, and the peace that surpasses our understanding. Don't lose heart or hope, don't look down, look up for our redemption draws near! Amen. .....More later.

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