Monday, July 7, 2008

Ain't It Good To Be Back In Your Routine Again?

Welcome back from your holiday break! Wake up and smell the coffee, it's Monday! I woke up at 3:25 a.m. and hit the floor, excited about the day, returning to work, and anxious to get on with this being the day that God has given, and in trying to be glad in it. I had a wonderful three days off and pretty much did exactly what I wanted to do. On Friday, the 4th, I did watch several hours of the series on the History Channel devoted to the Revolutionary War. I have seen it several times but was drawn to watching as much of it as I could. One thing I was so impressed with as I left off watching this depiction of our founding was just how absolutely improbable, it not impossible, to imagine that a rag tag Army of rebels could hold off the world's largest and best military force until finally the French supported our cause, and even after that, to go on and defeat this world's greatest military force and win independence, well it's just an overwhelming indication that God's hand was on this nation and in His providence we came into existence. Surely, even the casual observer who watches a series like I saw or reads the history of those days would conclude that Divine intervention must be a part of our American story! Amen.

I also did quite a bit of walking during my time off. It was done in the large shopping mall where my wife works. I need to do about 30 minutes of brisk walking every day but with my work schedule and the knee surgery and my condition, and all the other excuses I could throw into the mix, I've really not been able to do this as often as I should. But I did each of the last three days and the soreness I feel proves that the feeble attempts I have made in the past have added little in the way of conditioning to my muscles. Walking in the mall is a blast because of being able to observe people. People are the funniest creatures on the face of the earth. Now that I am closing in on my fighting weight of 150 pounds, it's real easy to see how many overweight folks there are all around, especially as I walk briskly in the mall, just like the news reports talk about all the time. However, I have to be reminded that just one year ago I was right in there with them, 195 pounds strong, with a fist full of french fries in one hand, and a triple scoop of Blue Bell ice cream in the other. No one likes a "reformed" habit kicker who goes around pontificating about how bad everyone else is. I can tell you, it is a temptation to become critical but as the old cliche goes, "There but for the grace of God, go I." Amen.

My past three days were really great. I spent time being thankful for and reflecting on our great country. I did some bodily exercise that according to the Apostle Paul is profitable but I also did some of what he said was eternally profitable. That was the study of God's word in preparing a lesson for Sunday. I also spent some time with our middle son and his family. I attended services on what our brother John, the Apostle, called, the Lord's day. (see The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 1). I visited with my mom on the telephone each day. I talked with my other sons. I watched my guy lose the NASCAR race in the final few laps on Saturday evening. I was able, as provided for by God's goodness and grace, to do pretty much exactly what I wanted to do. Now I ask you one more time, is this a great country or what? And, do we know and serve a great God or what? Amen. Enjoy a wonderful week! .........More later.

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