Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trying to explain my scatterbrained interests: "A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. Multipotentialites have no “one true calling” the way specialists do. Being a multipotentialite is our destiny." Sourced from Wikipedia

You see things. Everywhere you go. You see things. Those images cause one to think. This is what I am musing about today, on this Wednesday, February 19, 2020. When I went to return the sleep monitor equipment I noticed a Brinks truck at the medical facility in our area. I immediately thought, sounds about right. The receiving desk at the entrance had a sign stating the lab was open and anyone using its services should go there. It's at the end of the long passageway. Like a good clubber, I followed instructions. The lab reception desk was not open. I returned to the front and waited in line to return the equipment. I wanted to point out the misleading nature of their sign, but, I saw one of the ladies stand up lean way over the desk and she reported the lights are still off. They sure are. Not just at the lab desk. I immediately thought, sounds about right. After that, I walked the mall because the ladies were having their Bible study in our home. When I passed by the place where they make the cookies the size of a pizza, I heard the supervisor laying down the law to a trainee. She was giving it to her good. I immediately thought, sounds about right. I passed by an upscale store and they had a placard out front saying they had a job opening. It dawned on me. With the work situation close to if not at full employment, that would pretty much account for why I mostly see old people when I am walking. Duh! I immediately thought, sounds about right. The folks who run our neighborhood pool have been working on new restrooms for several months. When I drive by it's hard to notice any progress at all. That led me to think maybe I should recommend they purchase some slow men working signs. I immediately thought, sounds about right.

This photo of mom and I popped up as a memory from 2016, a few months before she began her six-month decline and then her departure, (absent from the body, present with the Lord, 2nd Corinthians 5:8), in May of 2017. We were enjoying our visit along with our Community Coffee. Mom never called it straight out Community but rather she would draw it out Commuuuuuunnnnnity. Oh, how I loved to hear her say it that way. I think everyone knows by now I've gained some smidgen of notoriety because of my dogged commitment to Louisiana roasted Community Coffee. People ask me why Community when there are plenty of other good coffees around. I have been both consistent and unanimous in my response: Life is too short! Yes. It does cost a little more and yes I do order it up by the case from their warehouse in Baton Rouge, but, here are some things we all would do well to consider: ~ “Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think.” – Chinese Proverb - “Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.” – Dion Boucicault - “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” – Wayne Dyer - “You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.” – Charles Buxton ~ I know those sound pretty uppity and all philosophical when the truth is I enjoy my Community Coffee. Not just the taste but also the heritage and the memories. You didn't ask, but, now you know.

I will tell you the sleep educator fellow did react when I told him how many cups of Community I drink each day. The number isn't important here, just his reaction. He winced and then his chair made an odd squeaking sound like it was falling back or something. I actually think I rounded down on the number but obviously if you are a 'sleep educator fellow' caffeine is likely one of the no-no's to those with sleeping issues. I am still awaiting the verdict on that categorization. I am still hanging on to the alleged sleeping issue until proven otherwise. I do believe that's how it works. Right? Innocent until proven guilty.  Ah-ha! You didn't know I understood fundamental legal provisions, right? If it does come back with me needing a sound machine to keep me from dying, I hope they have one that plays trains going down the track in a heavy rainstorm. I love listening to those! Some of you recall that's what I was listening to at the office through my earbuds the day I fell asleep and eventually fell out of my chair. Thank the Lord the other two fellows had their heads buried in their cellphones because I hit the concrete floor and was back up in my chair acting like nothing had happened before they even knew what had happened. Talk about relief! I already had plenty of stuff I could never live down and there's no way I wanted to add something like that to the list. Don't become all bothered. I'm just having a little fun. Enjoy. And, may God bless us, one and all. Amen. ....More later.

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