Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The 24 year old winning Super Bowl quarterback Patrick Mahomes tweet: "God is amazing!"

Good morning folks and welcome. It's Tuesday, February 4, 2019, and I know some of you are still scratching your head over the fact that I didn't watch one second of the Super Bowl game. Let me put to rest any concerns that I might have watched a Hallmark movie instead. I mostly watched reruns of the COPS series. Back to back to back, you get the idea. Many of those writing about the game had said the NFL wanted the young quarterback from Kansas City to win so there could be a passing of the baton from Tom Brady to Patrick Mahomes. As in, the new face of the NFL. That is interesting to me since Mahomes thus far has comported himself more like a Tim Tebow and we all know how the NFL wanted no part of a born again outspoken Christian. Maybe they think fame and fortune will change Mahomes. History does show that to be a possibility. If it is true the powers that be wanted to see this happen, well, it might just turn out to be very interesting. I pray he will continue to be forthright about his testimony for Christ and his faith. That will be something worth keeping an eye on, even for someone who no longer watches NFL games. Amen.

A lot of folks got heated up this past Sunday because of the date itself: 02022020. They have tagged that date as a palindrome since it can be read the same forward and backward. It is reported to not have had a date like this a very long time. Here are the facts reported by a variety of news sources including NPR: This occurrence has not happened for 909 years (since 11/11/1111), and it won't happen again for another 101 years (12/12/2121) on the Gregorian calendar. I did see several folks who mentioned this on Facebook, but, I didn't really pay that much attention to it. That means if it had any impact of significance at all on that particular day, well, I didn't catch it, therefore, like so much in life, I find myself reviewing it in the rearview mirror. As best I remember, I did what I do on most days by taking it one day at a time. However, if that bothers anyone, take heart, mark it on your calendar because another one will show up on December 12, 2121, (12/12/2121)!

I like my current primary care physician, Dr. Mc. He is forthright and to the point. We thought the world of our previous doctor who went to Africa as a medical missionary. I remember him saying that any of the many doctors available would be good but he thought I would hit it off with Dr. Mc. He was right. Dr. Mc is not given to a lot of chit chat because as we all know these days when they come into the room they are on the clock. But what he says makes a lot of sense. I hear folks complaining a lot about their medical care situation and the folks they have to work with. I suppose some of that comes with the territory, especially for us older folks. The wife and I were recently talking about our experiences in the system we adopted nearly nine years ago. No complaints. That could change at any time, however, we count that as a blessing. We do. We really do. If today's edition comes across as a little frazzled and even a wee bit more discombobulated than usual, there's a reason. I'll likely talk about that and other things as we continue our journey. Together. May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later. 

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