Thursday, February 13, 2020

"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, and if they do then take your shoe and knock them til the're black and blue." ~ copied

Wake up Little Susie and everyone else! It's time to get on with it, on this Thursday, February 13, 2020. I had a telephone interview the other day with a nurse from the sleep clinic. She asked if I had time to answer some questions to determine whether I should have an analysis completed. I told her I had time. (I was walking in the mall, so, why not?) She asked me all kinds of questions related to my sleeping habits. She asked why I thought I might need to be checked for sleep apnea. I made it clear that I was only the sleeper here and it was because others thought they had observed a pattern that needed to be checked. When she asked about how many hours I sleep each night I told her between 5 and 6 hours. I didn't elaborate but that has been my sleep cycle for as long as I can remember. I did tell her that I do take more naps, especially in the afternoon. That was where the alleged observations took place. In my recliner. Snoring away. Supposedly, snoring away, stopping, gasping, and continuing to snore again. She took all the information and said it would be submitted to the doctor for evaluation. Later that same day, I received a notice saying I had been approved for an in-home sleep study. I have an appointment next Monday afternoon with someone called a sleep educator who will explain the process and what I have to do. Are we living in some amazing times, or what? I conducted an interview while dodging other old folks in the mall. By the time I got home, I had been approved for a sleep study. I now get to work with someone called a sleep educator. Is this a great country, or what?

You do know some of that sleep stuff was offered up 'tongue in cheek'. I will let you choose which parts were. I am one week into Paw Paw Mac's diet plan. It's loosely called the push back diet as in pushing back from the table. My fasted blood sugar numbers are greatly improved already. They had been running under the target but they are now in an even safer range. But, my body does not know what to think about what I am doing. I think he is in shock. I have had a couple of episodes of blood sugar drops in the middle of the night that caused me to have that caving in feeling or sinking spell. I evaluated my options and decided to wait them out. As Paw Paw might have said, "You were just too lazy to get up and do something about it." In actuality, I am well aware of what a serious blood sugar drop feels like and these did not qualify. They were uncomfortable. But, as Mark Lowry likes to say, his favorite Bible sentiment is the one that says it didn't come to stay, it came to pass. They did pass. When I told the wife about having this sinking issue and not doing anything about it, she had her own estimation of the situation, "I guess you will just lay there and die!" A little over the top, but, I did get her message. And, I do keep some of those melt in your mouth peppermint soft candies in my nightstand. If it gets bad enough I can eat a handful of those and it eventually stabilizes. That's why I am supposed to eat a snack when I take my medicine. Note to self: Eat a snack when you take your medicine.

Diet, sleep study, I suppose I needed some new challenges in my life. Right? No. I didn't add these to the mix to have new subjects to write about. I see plenty of those walking around everywhere I go. Do what? You would be correct. I am the other person's subject they can write about. That's a great observation. Here's how that might go as written by someone who observed me: ~ Good morning everyone. Guess what I saw yesterday? There was this fellow walking around in the mall. He had a fluffy white beard, wore a red cap, and was in deep conversation on his cellphone as he walked. You would have thought the way he acted that he believed himself to be Santa Claus. At any rate, I nearly bumped into him twice as I heard him talking about his sleeping habits. He did. Right out in the open. In the mall no less. Who needs that early in the morning? After the second time, I decided I needed to get me a cup of coffee. Some people. Maybe when they fix his problem he will sleep in and I won't have to dodge him anymore. ~ See there? I may have given someone their daily blog fix. I do my best. Have a great rest of the day and may God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.

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