Friday, February 14, 2020

"Dear Lord, I simply want to thank you for my wife. You have definitely blessed me with a woman that knows you and loves you. She challenges me to be a better man and encourages me to love better. I know she isn’t perfect but neither am I. I pray that I can love and cherish her like the gift she is. The gift you have given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!" ~ copied

Happy Valentine's Day! It is Friday, February 14, 2020. The other day one of the older ladies in our apartment ministry heard the wife and I going forth and back in a somewhat argumentative manner. She asked how long we had been married. I told her we were into our 56th year. She said she and her husband had been married longer than us and had never argued. I told her we had never quit. We do have our moments of tension, but, they rarely ever qualify for anything serious. As for that lady and her husband, they are super special having never found anything to argue about. She did seem to be in her right mind, therefore, I will take her at her word. The woman who carries my name and birthed our children is an amazing example of the wife described in Proverbs 31. She is the real deal. She is the true friend. She is the tireless servant. She is beloved by throngs. But, none as much as me. We have built a relationship, companionship, and togetherness that, now as we grow old together, it has truly provided the support and care we both need. It has brought full circle the meaning of these words we spoke on December 18, 1964: "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." I think we have hit all of those except for death and we are, together, moving in that direction, one day at a time. I've been told more times than I can remember how fortunate I am to have the wife God gave to me. I am not lucky. I am blessed! She is a blessing and I thank God and give Him thanks for her. Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart, I love you to the moon and back, and always remember, "Baby, you're the greatest!"

Here's an excerpt from my first Valentine's Day blog, written on February 14, 2008: ~ This morning I anticipated she had a card for me. When I went into the kitchen and turned on the light, there it was. This year she bought one of those cards that has the music in it and to be honest I didn't realize it was going to be quite as loud as it was and at 3:30 a.m., it gave me a pretty good jolt. The song was the one made by the band Orleans back in the early 1980s, entitled, "You're Still The One". It was a really neat sentiment and I am thankful that into our 44th year, that's exactly who I am, I'm still the one. She hasn't seen my card yet. I always make my own cards. She will find it when she gets up this morning. Inside the card I talk about while there's quite a bit less of me this year in terms of pounds and inches, my heart is still bulging and overflowing with love for her. That's the kind of nonsensical stuff you try to come up with to express what someone so dear means to you. Before I left this morning I went in and had our prayer and I did sing Happy Valentine's Day to the tune of Happy Birthday. I couldn't tell for sure but it appeared she might have preferred me to have held off on the singing. But since she gave me a musical card I didn't want her to miss out. One of the things I am reminded of on this day when so many will make their professed statements about love is the model given to us in the Scriptures. For us guys, it could not be clearer and it could not be tougher. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians that we are to love our wives in the same way that Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for the Church. Wow! Couldn't he have come up with something a little less challenging? Therefore, as I consider my love for my wife, as a believer I must use this example and then compare where I am to this model. Brutal? You better believe it! But, it gives us all something to work on, strive for, and seek to reflect in our love for our mate. I'll not go into the challenge for the women folk because, to tell the truth, I've got enough with this example to keep me busy for the rest of my life! In the end, I can always fall back on what I've been telling her for as long as I can remember, "Baby, you're the greatest!" ~

I think that will do for today. A day devoted to love. Nothing will ever compare to the love God demonstrated: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16, NKJV) Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Lord willing, I will do my best to report myself as present and accounted for come next Monday. Amen. .....More later.

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