Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"The problem is we have a Wall Street-to-Washington access of power that has controlled the political climate. The donor class feeds the political class who does the dance that the donor class wants. And the result is federal government keeps getting bigger." ~ Mike Huckabe

Good morning and welcome to the mid-week episode here on this Wednesday, May 12, 2021. I notice the mainstream is relentless in pursuing ancient cases that involved former President Trump. Some of these cases involved agreed to settlements which included them being sealed. The mainstream wants the courts to unseal them in the public interest. They do not want the Biden cabal investigated in any way whatsoever, whether it be the China connections or the Hunter Biden stuff, but, they want to go back in time and dig up as much dirt as they can on Trump. One would have to ask the question of why. My belief is they are terrified that Trump might run again and prevail, therefore, any and everything that can be done to stop him is in play. You may read it differently but it just seems to me they spend a lot of time and effort going after someone who isn't even in office. There has to be a reason. You have my thoughts and you can come up with your own. However, if you should decide to express an opinion and you put it out on social media, it may well be taken down, censured, and you may lose your privilege to share your opinions if they don't jive with whatever the mainstream has agreed it to be. That too is my reading of how things are working in the current iteration of 'free speech' in America. As seen above in the second image, manipulation of public opinion is clear. The encounters at the border were up by 3% but the coverage by the mainstream press including ABC, CBS, and NBC, was down 61%. Incidents up but coverage down? This is another version of their common refrain, "There's nothing to see here." I report, you decide.

I know the prevailing soundbites can become a downer to most of us. How does one find a smile as we deal with all of the calamitous stuff that defines our current environment? For me, I keep the above two photos as backgrounds on my phone. They remind me of beauty, love, and laughter. I look at other photos of my family including those who have influenced my life and are now in their eternal abode. I also read God's Book most days and it provides the direct opposite of fake news because it always gives us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I add prayer and the counting of my blessings to these elements and seek God's help for me personally, for my family, for those I know who are in need, and for our nation. This is how I do my best with God's help to not get down and out, knowing that He's in control and He has the final say, period. You may have a better solution, but, this is the one I follow. Take care and may God bless each one. Amen. .....More later.

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