Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Another day and another opportunity to use the word vicissitudes of life. Short definition: "A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant."

Good morning and welcome to Tuesday, May 25, 2021. And, the pilgrimage continues. Yesterday morning, the wife and I attended a wonderful memorial service for a dear lady. It was one of those where her life literally preached her own sermon. Now that is a wonderful testimony. The service was over in Kingwood. We got there during a flooding rainstorm. After the service, one and one-half hours later, it was still pouring. Since it was close to lunchtime, we tried to think of somewhere to stop for a bite. We were hoping to drive out of the rain on our way back to The Woodlands. We didn't. We thought of a place that recently reopened in Old Town Spring, the Wunsche Brothers Cafe. It is known for its burgers, fries, fried onion rings, chicken fried steaks, and the like. We checked to see if they were open. They were. We got there and it was still raining. Steady but not pouring. We had to walk a couple of blocks to the restaurant. The sidewalks were pretty slick and when we got to some concrete steps, well, the wife, trying to miss a puddle, stepped down awkwardly and lost her balance, and down she went. Hard. We spent a couple of hours at the emergency room. We thank God she did not suffer any fractures but she did end up with a severely sprained ankle and some strained ligaments on her left foot, and, a busted big toe and torn nail on her right foot. Needless to say, we didn't get to split a chicken fried steak, the chicken fried steak had been mentioned in the funeral service, and, that planted a seed, but, again, we praise the Lord that she didn't hurt herself more badly. I suppose it means I should never get a hankering for food that I heard about at a funeral service. 

Our yard is currently mushy from all the rain. It takes quite a bit of rain to make that happen. I read today's forecast and it doesn't appear to be over yet. We do have a few spots where water is visible, but, we are thankful we are high and dry. I know many have already had to deal with flooded cars and homes. Some in places that seem to be getting these types of weather events in waves, no pun intended. I know our family over in Louisiana feels like they have been picked on over the past couple of years. Many of them are already fixated on the hurricane prediction maps because of all that has happened in the recent past. Last evening, the wife read me a funny post on Facebook. It seems two rednecks were standing out in the yard when one of those huge trucks with grass pallets passed by. One of them commented, "Man, when I get rich I'm going to do the same thing, send out my grass to be mowed." Okay. It was funny when I heard it. That's all. Speaking of mowing. We need to. But, we may have to wait and if it gets too high I will call the fellows who did a great job when our mower was being repaired. Either that or, I will contact the hay baling folks. 

I did feel horrible about not being able to help the wife keep from falling. I was holding the umbrella mostly over her to try and keep her dry and when she slipped, she was gone before I could get the next breath. When I say she fell hard that's exactly what I mean. It actually caused me to be a little nauseated. She kept saying over and over how I could not have done anything, but, one does feel helplessly inadequate at a time like this. But, I close out today's visit by once again thanking God and giving Him the praise that she is not hurt any more than she is. Had a passerby observed her fall they would have no doubt anticipated a far worse outcome. The bottom line, we live one step at a time, no pun intended, and we are all totally dependent upon God to be with us, every step of the way. Amen. May He had His blessings. Until next time, ......more later

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