Friday, June 4, 2010

Melting pot 101, visit the big mall!

I woke up this morning and found out it is Friday already even though Monday actually fell on Tuesday. I wonder if that speed of light formula is somehow messing with our clocks and they are trying to keep pace? When I was a kid we were not much on clever humor. We had what was called the "little moron" jokes. I'm sure these would be offensive in some way to someone on the planet but they were all we could afford out in the rural heartland. Why did the little moron boy throw the clock across the room? He wanted to see time fly. Seems to me time is flying without any assistance at the moment and that's my story on this Friday, June 4, 2010, and I am sticking to it. I do have an entertainment venue that costs very little and it may not be that well known. Since ticket prices for the movies are closing in on $10 plus, there's something that may be better, and it is a live event. I'm talking about a trip to the local big mall here in our area. I was up there this past Monday to have lunch with my wife who works there in one of those upscale woman's clothing stores. I know I look kind of funny to many people and they are most likely thinking me weird while I look at them and my noggin is knocking with "What were you thinking dude?"

I was sitting there minding my own business at the food court dutifully waiting on my wife and the entire mall continued the parade already in progress of some of the most interesting folks one might find on the planet. Tall, short, skinny, plump, stocky, very plump, some wearing a veil to cover their faces, others wearing not much more than a veil to cover their body, tattoos of every description with many of them foaming up in every location, pierced on the ears, eyes, nose, and navels, rainbows of hair colors, Mohawk haircuts, shaved heads, some decked out in leather from head to toe with the temp at a mild 96 degrees outside, families, twins, folks of every color imaginable, but everyone there doing their own thing including yours truly. We are a funny lot of folks, don't you think? We've come a long way from the days where men wore suits and ties to attend a baseball game or fly on an airplane. I saw way too many younger girls that needed to be sent home because of their immodest clothing. That's a grandfather for you. And, you thought you might enjoy variety if you went to the zoo? One truth that hit home to me as I watched all of this is how that every single person that paraded by, every man, woman, boy and girl, and even those confused about their identity, every single one of them, are in need of a Savior, no matter who they are, how they dress, or where they originally came from. Talk about your common denominator! While I might not be in tune with the latest fashion trends or whatever statements are trying to be made, I do know that I am no different from the inside out, a person created in God's image, marred by inherited sin, one in need of God's provision of salvation.

My favorite thing is to watch and when I can, it is to mess with the little kids. My wife always tells me that folks don't like for an old dude like me to be messing with their children. How sad it is to know that we are living in a day and time when even an expression of caring is considered to be a potential threat. And, the reality is, that's exactly what it is many times which makes it even sadder for old dudes like me that love the little ones. Children's eyes are the same no matter where they come from. No matter if they are from South America or South Carolina they carry with them the beauty of innocence and joy. It's no wonder that our Savior said to allow the little ones to come to Him, for as He said, "For such is the kingdom of God." Yeah, our culture has pretty much destroyed anything innocent about childhood experiences but that God-planted beauty still comes through as they make eyes with the old Santa looking dude sitting there watching the parade go by. When my wife arrived I told her my head was spinning from too much of the side show but she soon absorbed me in the latest stuff flying around in her work world. Stuff, baggage, and a crying out to somehow claim our own identity whenever truth tells us that we need to become like a little child who looks up in faith to our Savior who loves all the little children of the world, no matter what their age. Well, that's a wrap from the melting pot news here. Have a great Saturday and you will find out more about the meaning of Jesus loving you by joining up with other believers at the meeting place this Sunday. Until next time, may the Good Lord bless and keep you and yours! Amen. ....More later.

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