Wednesday, April 7, 2021

We are still at it and we know that's only by and through the provision of Almighty God. Amen.

Good morning and welcome. It is Wednesday, April 7, 2021, and, we are heads down into the current discombobulated ebb and flow of life as we know it. This morning I was up and going early to get ready to take Sir Bentley Barksalot, Esq., to his grooming appointment. He is always excited about riding in the truck until he figures out we are on the freeway and headed in a direction he is not as interested in. The wife had written detailed instructions to the groomer so he is there now awaiting his turn. Yesterday, we had this secured fixed appointment to receive the Pfizer COVID vaccine, dose one. We are subscribed to the Kelsey Seybold Medicare Advantage program which has since its beginning been the highest-rated medical provider for seniors in the Houston metroplex. We had an appointment. They told us what time to arrive and what time we could expect to receive the shot. Guess what? The appointment had nothing to do with scheduling. It was there only to secure the vaccine, but, when you arrive you have to go to the end of the very long line. We did. We actually were only there for a grand total of 90 minutes but may I say this about that: You would not have found a more upset and disillusioned group of line waiters because they all had fixed appointments. Many were quite elderly and had trouble standing for so long. But, we now have followed the Government-directed protocol and we, like the rest of the senior lemmings, went over the cliff together. We did it because. I will leave it at that. Yes, I am aware there are more conspiracy theories concerning COVID, the spread, the vaccine, etc., etc., but, we ended up doing what we thought was right for us. Period.

Another great and grand, Gabriella, (Gabi), with her golf clubs.

I am glad to report Jimmy is still doing well in his recovery from heart surgery. The wife continues to deal with some issues but we are working to get them checked out via our medical team. We also continue to be overwhelmed by the many folks who are holding our family up through their prayers, concerns, and support. We are so thankful to God and how He uses people to provide His hands during times like these. Maybe soon I will be back on a more even keel, (((nautical) The situation in which a watercraft is floating or proceeding in a smooth and level manner. (idiomatic, of emotions, etc.) The state or characteristic of being under control and balanced.))). Have a blessed day and may God add His blessings to it. Amen. ......More later.

1 comment:

Big House Bubba said...

OMG! MY German Shepherd Dog puppy is named Sir Bentley Barksalot! I thought I made up that name!