Monday, April 12, 2021

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.” – Helen Keller

Good morning and welcome to our 'today' here on this Monday, April 12, 2021. I'm not keeping up closely with all the political shenanigans going on within our Republic these days, however, I did watch the former CBS anchor, Sharyl Attkisson, doing a speech regarding the current state of news in our nation. It was entitled 'Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election'. I would encourage any and all to search for this speech and watch it. It's one thing to decry the planted stories, twisted narratives, and fake news, in a general context, but, Ms. Attkisson has done the research with specific stories, their backgrounds, and how they were used to manipulate the public in order to achieve a designed purpose, that being the defeat of President Trump in his reelection bid. I will tell you her work is not based on cursing the winds of political change, it is based on real-time instances where major news media organizations, including for the first time, those in control of the internet, and how they deliberately conspired through the stories written, televised, published, or sent out via social media in order to gain the outcome achieved in the election of Joe Biden. Just go to YouTube, find it, and watch it. It gives anyone who is willing to watch the real truth behind this sad episode in our history. 

Great Grand Madi, reading to her baby sister, Great Grand Ava.

We continue our journey here dealing with all the things that we currently have on our schedule. God has been good to give us the means, the strength, and the provisions required to handle the challenges we are currently facing. I am up to the Book of Job in my read-through-the-Bible program and I will tell you we have nothing in our situation to compare to his. That's a tough book to read and study as we see a man God offered up to be hammered with horrific happenings bringing great pain and anguish into his life. God had a purpose in doing so. Job was not aware of that purpose. The scale of hurt caused him to lash out even as he was forced to defend his own personal integrity as his so-called comforters berated him over and over again trying to get him to uncover some secret sin. Fortunately, I know the rest of the story, and God and Job are vindicated in the end. The good news is God did not forsake Job even though we may not grasp His full purpose for how things unfolded in Job's great trial. We can be sure that God was at work in Job's circumstances and He is at work in yours, and in ours as well. We do our best to get up every day and seek Him and His help as we face these challenges. 

I do hope you will have a most wonderful rest of the day Monday and may God bless one and all. Amen. ....More later.

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