Friday, September 7, 2007


I heard that wonderful Ray Boltz song a few days ago with these lyrics:

Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed. Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you gave.

This got me to thinking about how blessed I have been throughout my life with those who believed in me and made me be better because of their encouragement and support. This is true in the various jobs I’ve had, and in my spiritual life as well.

Some twenty-five years ago I was a younger teacher of God’s word than I am today. I taught an adult class in a small mission Church. Since we were a smaller congregation my class pretty much covered all age groups within the adult category. I’m blessed to say that a few of those in my class then or still in my class today! Wow!

But back then I had a number of elderly ladies in my class who were my most ardent supporters. They would always tell me they were praying for me during the week. They would comment on how the lessons had helped them in their lives. One was a widow whose husband had been a pastor for nearly fifty years. She would always tell me that I was the only one who came close to handling God’s word like her husband did, and she considered him to be a great Bible teacher. Yes, these compliments could have caused pride to swell up in me or they could have caused me to work harder and study more.

It is easy for any of us to allow encouraging comments to make us feel like we are really somebody but on the other hand they can and often do fuel our development and help us to grow into that which God desires us to be. I cannot say that I never got full of myself but looking back I do know that for the most part I was humbled by their love and support and challenged to work harder.

How could I not spend time working on my lesson knowing these ladies were praying for me and would be there to soak up truth like sponges? Then I have to deal with an even greater question in my own life. That is, who have I encouraged with sincerity and genuineness for their good and God’s glory? Those elderly ladies were often chasing serious health issues and they had much of their own troubles to occupy their time. Yet, they took the initiative to pour their love and support into me and my teaching ministry and I thank God for them even to this day.

What about it? Let’s hope these ladies were not a vanishing breed because we are called to love and support each other. Living life is about choices and priorities. I would like to think that somewhere along the way I finally got a clue as to what’s the most important. It boils down to this: Loving and serving God and showing that you do by loving and serving others. Many years ago I heard an old preacher say that we should live our lives in such a way that when it comes time for our funeral service no one has to make anything up! Good advice. More later……………..

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