Thursday, July 8, 2021

"The more corrupt the state, the more laws." – Tacitus, Roman historian, (AD56 - AD118)

Bentley here, "I heard a lady at Church thought I could be magazine material,
perhaps even for a cover. Wow! That got me thinking. They call me a good boy all the time around here.  And this begs the question, would I be a cover-boy, a cover-dog, or maybe even a pup of the month? Asking for a friend. Thanks." 

Hello folks and welcome to my update being sent out from my upstairs bunker here on this Thursday, July 8, 2021. I said bunker because of all the scary news out there. Facebook is now asking individuals to report their friends, family, and others if they think they might be doing something subversive as in anything critical of the current regime. Like I say. Scary. But the good news is how, according to the highest source in the land, none other than the President of the United States of America, the average cost of a backyard barbecue or hot dog cookout went down 16 cents compared to last year. That was big news. Given directly by the President. Never mind the $1 per gallon increase in the cost of gasoline typically required to transport someone to the store to put themselves into the 16 cents saved eligibility bracket. When the President's press secretary was asked about this profoundly ridiculous announcement, she replied those questioning it must not enjoy a backyard cookout. Saturday Night Live has been bad for a long time but even they could not write imbecilic stuff like we see emanating from this White House on a daily basis. Or, maybe, it's just me, and, for the record, I do enjoy the back yard, front yard, and pretty much any and all forms of cookouts. 

I see the President, concerned about the surge in crime around our nation, got himself within 50 miles of where the epicenter is in Chicago by landing in a suburb and giving a speech on his rebuilding America project. While even the leftist fact-checkers are giving thumbs down on the Democrat blaming of Republicans for the Defund the Police movement, the President and his lemming patrol continue to claim had the Republicans jumped on the $6 trillion train, all would be well. These are days in which videotapes of dozens of influential Democrat leaders along with the Democrat mayors of the cities experiencing the unprecedented surge in violent crime show them live and in person committing themselves to use monies allocated to the police for other programs. My point? Even if the troubled cities received a windfall of new money from this preposterous project, they are on record in saying it wouldn't go to the police. What a feeble attempt to try and make the President and his cronies into newly minted law and order proponents. They no longer think we all are stupid, they believe most of us are brain dead. I might be slow, but, even I can channel Marvin Zindler on this one, "Slime in the ice machine!

Okay. I will admit that I was in a mood today to let off a wee bit of steam. Maybe next time I will have my feel-good shoes on. I might have a tough time finding them these days. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless each one. Amen. .....More later, next time.

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