Monday, July 19, 2021

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." ~ Psalm 34:8

Bentley loves to follow the advice of Yogi Berra: "You can observe a lot by just watching."

Hello and welcome to a slice of life from my perspective coming to you on this day, Monday, July 19, 2020. I hope this greeting finds y'all doing well. It's really hard to know how to know what's going on in our world today. The stuff happening within our constitutional federal republic is quite perplexing these days. (A 'republic' is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.) I say in all fairness, this is true from both the major sides and all the splinter sides that make up our political power base. We have a President who appears to be somewhat challenged in carrying out the very taxing duties associated with the office. We have a left-wing press that has adopted the mantra that says, "There is nothing to see here." This leads us to have to decide for ourselves and as we do what Bentley is doing in the photos, observing, this isn't working out too well for the current regime. We also have what appear to be firsthand reports of chaos within the office of our Vice President. Of course, folks are not allowed to comment on this because she claims special privilege due to her ethnic identity. This too has been glossed over as nothing more than right-wing attacks, but, as I understand it, the folks reporting the unbearable working environment in her office are her own staff. People she selected. Back in the day, when I worked for what was then a Fortune 500 corporation, we had a lot of folks that remind me of those holding these offices today. We had a name for them. Empty suits. I'll let you come to your own conclusion about what was a very well-understood moniker. (Let me give you a little help with that moniker word from Merriam-Webster: 'alias, · byname, · epithet, · handle, · nickname....')

The other day the wife had to go into the downtown corridor in order to see her podiatrist. Our doctors tend to work from different locations and we end up having to get an appointment wherever they happen to be. This office was located in a huge complex called The Shops at Houston Center. There are offices there but the main development is like a downtown mall. I was feeling poorly the day she went, therefore, our Jimmy went with her and as he explored the environs he happened upon the scene depicted in the photo he captured. On the left, you see the sign that some equate as the mark of the beast, but, for me, it's simply a sign designating a place where they sell colored water and call it coffee. On the right you see truth personified. I have no idea if this juxtaposition was intentional, however, it speaks directly to my heart. And, if you are one of those who frequent that other place, it's your choice, because here in America one can even eat Tide Pods if they choose to do so. Take this in the way it was intended. Again, I report, you decide.

Okay. I've stirred the pot enough for one day. And, always remember that a lot of what I write about is tongue in cheek, therefore, don't take it too seriously, except when you should. I do hope you have a blessed day and a wonderful week. May God be with us all. Amen. .....Next time.

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