Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It Doesn't Take Much!

Wonder how life would go for us if we went about our daily activities with a desire to recognize, encourage, and reward people instead of our usual approach which dares anyone to cross us? As the old saying goes, our attitude really does impact our altitude. Let me say clearly this is not a repackaging of the “positive thinking psycho babble”. It’s essentially seeing people for who they really are, “Those made in the image of God”. And, more or less living out the tried and true golden rule where we give out what we would really like to receive. If you really think about it you will conclude that you can either help or hurt, and it doesn't take much.

I’ll never forget doing my own experiment after having attended a leadership conference. I came back from the conference loaded up with thoughts and ideas. One of the key elements stressed over and over during the meetings was how leaders impact their team more by their body language, actions, and deeds than their words. One of the speakers said how one behaves towards one of their team members, without saying anything negative, can ruin the entirety of what would have otherwise been a wonderfully productive day.

This sounded like a good lab assignment to me. I did know I had a good relationship with my group. I had always been pleased with their loyalty and the commitment they consistently reflected towards meeting goals and objectives. But there was no reason not to test out these theories; therefore, I determined to see if my actions did in fact speak louder than words. One day I walked out into the main computing area. A number of our folks were going about their business. I stood there for a moment and then kicked a box of forms across the floor and it went spiraling in circles. I immediately turned around and walked out the door.

Before I could reach my office the entire floor was buzzing. Phones were ringing, people were moving here and there, and the entire place was in an uproar. Wow! The experts were right! What we do and how we do it is as important as what we say. Sounds like a Biblical principle to me because it says we are to be doers of truth not just those who hear or know about it. I sent my secretary and a couple of the managers to explain what I had done. All became peaceful and quiet within moments with most of them most likely thinking, “There he goes again”.

It reminds me of the times I have stewed over something and prepared myself to deal with an unpleasant service problem or similar issue. I would get myself all pumped up and by the time I reached the service desk I was about to explode. Many times the person there, within a split second, totally deflated the entire situation by announcing at the get go that whatever needed to be done would be taken care of, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. All that stewing and steaming, all the tension, the blood pressure rise, and all of it for nothing. The Proverbs tell us that a kind answer defuses or turns away wrath. And so it does.

I once heard a fellow tell the story of how he had singled out a young lady for poor performance and used her record as an example before the entire group. He said whenever he called her name and talked about her stats, the young lady began sobbing uncontrollably as she felt the sting of humiliation before her peers. The man said he suddenly realized that while he had every right to deal with performance, he had no right whatsoever to humiliate and demean another person. He, therefore, took the very difficult step to personally apologize to this lady before the entire organization. Our treatment of others do have consequences

I know a few years ago the rage was all about the mantra of ‘What would Jesus do?’. While I was pleased people paused to consider this question, I don’t think too many were really puzzled in trying to decide what He would do. The issue then, and now, is what He would have us to do and that’s the challenge we face. This is particularly true as it relates to our view and treatment of others! Here’s a good suggestion. Let’s all agree as we go about our busy lives to do our best to try to make it a good day for at least one person. How about TODAY? Hey, this is pretty good stuff. I might want to write a blog someday. More later…………

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