Monday, March 22, 2021

Psalm 124:2 from the Amplified Bible, “If it had not been the LORD who was on our side......"

My mom and dad and our clan from Resurrection Day, 1953.

Hello and welcome to another day, and this one shows up as Monday, March 22, 2021. Over the past several weeks we've been having tremendous services at our local fellowship meetings, typically called 'Church', and, we thank God for His moving among us. We have folks giving their lives to Christ in most services, and, we have the altar filled with folks seeking God. I used the photo above because it is of my personal family which caused me to be reminded of my Church family. All people who have put their faith and trust in Jesus the Christ are our brothers and sisters. This would be the family of God and it extends to people of faith regardless of where they might reside. However, there is a local family of believers that is critical to our growth and development and this is the one, the local called-out assembly, that is mentioned the majority of times in The Scriptures. Real people, real locations, meeting together to carry on the work and ministry given by the Lord. Yes, we are united with people of like faith all over the globe and they truly are connected to us, however, God's plan for each believer is to become a part of a family of faith where they can live life together and labor on behalf of the Kingdom. Here's the sentiment reflected in the Gaither song, 'The Family of God':

You will notice we say brother

And sister 'round here

It's because we're a family

And these folks are so near

When one has a heartache

We all share the tears

And rejoice in each victory

In this family so dear

Looking in the rearview mirror, it is clear our family has had its fair share of challenges, heartaches, and, yes, tragic circumstances. So much so, one fellow many years ago observed how we as a family must be under the judgment of God and if we didn't get right we would all end up dead. That was his outside-looking-in viewpoint, and as I recall, his feeble attempt to verbalize a word of comfort to us. While I can't explain why we had to deal with all that came our way, I can say that God has been with us through it all. It is not just our faith but it truly has been the object of our faith, our belief in God and His sovereign provision that has sustained us. My grandfather's favorite song was well known among his clan and it became for many of us, our song as well: 

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow, 1950, written by Ira Stanphill

I don't know about tomorrow

I just live from day to day

I don't borrow from its sunshine

For its skies may turn to grey

I don't worry o'er the future

For I know what Jesus said

And today I'll walk beside Him

For He knows what is ahead

Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand

But I know who holds tomorrow

And I know who holds my hand

I don't know about tomorrow

It may bring me poverty

But the one who feeds the sparrow

Is the one who stands by me

And the path that is my portion

May be through the flame or flood

But His presence goes before me

And I'm covered with His blood

Many things about tomorrow

I don't seem to understand

But I know who holds tomorrow

And I know who holds my hand

It would be nice if we all could enjoy a peaceful snooze just like Mr. Bentley. Have a blessed rest of the day and remember to remember, God's got this! Amen. ........More later.

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