Wednesday, March 24, 2021

“In politics as in philosophy, my tenets are few and simple. The leading one of which, and indeed that which embraces most others, is to be honest and just ourselves and to exact it from others, meddling as little as possible in their affairs where our own are not involved. If this maxim was generally adopted, wars would cease and our swords would soon be converted into reap hooks and our harvests be more peaceful, abundant, and happy.” — George Washington

Hello everyone and welcome. It is Wednesday, March 24, 2021, and, I do hope all is well with you and yours. I recently rewatched the 1984 CBS mini-series on the life of George Washington. It consists of 6 episodes starring Barry Bostwick as George Washington, and Patty Duke as Martha Washington. This, by far, is the most detailed treatment of the life and times, (from age 11 to his leaving office as our first President), of the man, called the father of our country. This is perhaps the third or fourth time for me to watch this series and it was still able to keep my attention. The series presents Washington as a larger-than-life figure, which he was, but, it includes his faults and failures as well. The current so-called 'woke' culture which supposedly has to do with social awareness, typically has little use for those who sacrificed to found our nation. I remember many years ago seeing a history professor in an interview heaping scorn and ridicule on George Washington and the other patriots who gave so much in order to establish our nation. It is much worse today as revisionism now rules over facts. Watching that series stirred everything within me that makes me proud and thankful for America and its founders. I know. We are belittled as flag-waving privileged bigots for loving our country, warts and all, but, truth is, God used flawed folks to get us up and going as a nation, people like George Washington, and I for one thank Him for doing so. Amen. (I watched it on YouTube since we have a premium membership but I understand it is available from our sources including DVDs for purchase. It is well worth anyone's time!)

It's somewhat difficult for me to consider how this virus situation has dominated our lives for now just over one year. For those out there who hold regular jobs, it has had a nightmarish impact. Of course, as a survivor of actually having had the disease, I can only express thanks to God for His provision. Truth: I am still here and still writing.  I wouldn't even want to begin to assess all the influence and impact this 'crisis' has wreaked upon our Republic. The one that immediately comes to mind, at least in my opinion, is how the perception regarding the handling of COVID cost President Trump his reelection. That brought about a sea change in government, period. Big government is back and using COVID as its cover, it is back on steroids. Where all of it will end up, God only knows, however, very few could argue how personal liberty and freedom has been and continues to be both undermined and eroded with each passing day. I could go on and on, but, there is one thing I know about all of this. I trust God. He is at work to accomplish His plan and purpose and nothing, not COVID, not Big Government, or any other thing can thwart His sovereign power over all things. Therefore, we look up as we continue the life He has given to us. Amen

As always, I do appreciate each of you who take the time to peruse my blog each day. While it may not always show, I do take very seriously what I put onto the electronic page. This does not mean that everyone will always agree with my viewpoints, Hey, that's okay. Our nation was actually founded upon those principles of individual freedoms. And, as the old preacher used to always say, "I do respect your right to be wrong." Joking only. Have a great day and remember to pray for our government leaders because God would have us to do so. (1st Timothy 2, Romans 13) Amen. .....More later.

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