Thursday, March 25, 2021

Julien B. Well: “Live in the awareness that Christ lives and that He lives in His people.”

A photo of yours truly with our most recent great and grand, Ava!

Good morning and all I can say is this about that. I had other fish to fry this morning, therefore, I am running late. It is Thursday, March 25, 2021, and, I do hope you are up and going as we face the day before us. I shared that photo as a way of getting us all off to a great start. Or, at least it helped me some but that I suppose would be expected. I heard this morning on a news radio program that President Biden, having learned what he could be empowered to do, now wants to go forward with a dissolution of the senate filibuster provision. It appears he was convinced based on the fact that he could become a more transformational president than President Obama. What this means, if it were to go forward and be implemented, is that any and all legislation proposed for any and all reasons would sail through the Democrat-controlled House and Senate. My point? We have not seen anything yet. And, I will add, President Biden putting Vice President Harris as the point person for immigration, given her clear stated biases during the previous campaign regarding decriminalizing illegal entry and calling border security personnel thugs, well, that sounds like our borders might as well not exist. Since the President touted her work as attorney general in California, folks should check out what people on the ground there thought of her work during that time. I can tell you it is not positive even by the liberal crowd. Okay. Enough of that. 

We have been busy working on our Resurrection Day music. The wife and I are a part of our local assembly's choir. Some of the music is really hard. Especially, for folks like me who use the open letter system for singing. You know. Open up and letter fly. We have a special guest soloist coming and she has sent the music we are to accompany her on. Hello? There are so many sharps, it looks like an ad for a pound sign convention. But, slowly but surely, we are beginning to begin to learn our parts. I do not read music, however, I can to a certain extent follow the part line I am supposed to be singing. The other evening during a special practice for our bass and tenor singers, our director, who is a most wonderful Godly man and skilled music leader, said about the really hard piece that once we learn it, it will be with us the rest of our lives and we will never forget it. I told my singing buddy next to me, our leader who is in his early 40's should say that when he is nearing the 75-year mile marker and then I would put more stock in it. In fact, the truth is, I typically need a lot of retraining from one week to the next. But, I do enjoy joining other fellow believers in doing our best to make a joyful noise in praise and adoration of our Great God. Amen and Amen

I suppose I should be glad they have not asked me to sing a solo, as in, so low you can't hear it. Or, they haven't asked me to sing On A Hill Far Away, only to say I am still not far enough away. Just joking. Enjoy the rest of your day and may God, our Great God, bless each one. Amen. .....More later. 

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