Monday, November 30, 2020

On his desk in the Oval Office, President Reagan kept a small plaque with the words: “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.” He lived that in everything he did. ~ The Reagan Foundation

Good morning and welcome to Monday, November 30, 2020. While I realize 2020 has mostly gone by like one of those films of a distance runner in slow motion, we open up today, and somehow and someway, we find ourselves only 24 sleeps before Christmas Day.  I guess you saw where the stock market went through the roof into record-setting territory as it anticipated and calculated the impact of the availability of an effective COVID vaccine. As I heard this being breathlessly reported by various news media outlets, only one or two even mentioned the influence of President Donald J. Trump on getting a vaccine in what can only be called an unprecedented turnaround schedule. No thank you for him. According to the Mayo Clinic, vaccine development is on average measured in years, with some taking 10 or more years. President Trump seized this opportunity to make changes in the development protocols, the rules, and other factors to speed this work. Obviously, the folks who are in the business of betting the farm on the future, as in investments, see it as a preeminently significant accomplishment. Okay. My reality button just switched on and the thought came to me how this will end up being Joe Biden's and the Democrat's great achievement. That would be sad, but, may I say to you, that, my friend, is a real possibility. The good news is that you and I know the truth. Right? Well, you do now!

I will say this about that: Getting ready to get ready to be Santa has not been easy this year. I continue to saturate myself with Christmas shows and music, but, the spark has been very elusive this year. Believe me, I need that spark. I'm sure part of it has to do with these venues we have booked and their commitment to providing as safe an environment as possible. We will not know how safe it is until we experience first hand being there. Our first event is one we have done for 10 years. It typically involves more than 500 children and their families, therefore, it will be interesting to see how they try to get photos without personal contact. Mrs. Claus recommended to them how we could have them sit in front of us and we could stand behind them. They reported they are working on doing something like that. Oh well, if nothing else it will be a planned three-hour learning experience. Some have expressed concern over Santa wearing a mask for the photos. The mask would pretty much define this year, but, we are hoping not to wear one if the conditions can be arranged. Meanwhile, we get new reports daily, literally, of more people we know who are dealing with Conronavirus related challenges. Interestingly enough, in some of the most restrictive states in our nation, the officials hammering on the people to conform, well, several of the more notables have been caught on video not following their own draconian edicts. As my boys used to say, "Hey dad, is this one of those do as I say, not as I do kind of things?"

What a year! We did the facetime deal with our granddaughter Tiffany and she had our newest great grand Ava for us to ooh and ah over. I well remember when Tiffany was born and also when Madelyn Joy, her first, and our first great grand was born ten years ago. We were there! Not there with little Ava. Not this year. Just mom and dad. No one else allowed. I saw a photo on Facebook of a young couple showing off their brand new baby to the grandparents. The grandparents were outside looking through the window. The new dad put this caption up: "Who would have ever thought? This is my family!" I'll not cast any more stones at those trying to protect us all, but, I am aware there are reports from respected sources that seem to contradict many of the measures that have become part of our conventional practice. Those of us who are believers that attempt to honor God's directives are put into an awkward position. We are to submit to the governing authorities, but, we are not to embrace edicts that are intended to steer us away from our faith. I've mentioned often how we have forces in our governmental structure that want to destroy and remake the family values we hold to be sacred. I read the other day where those advocating an aggressive leftist agenda are lobbying President-elect Biden to immediately withdraw certifications and accreditations of all Christian based educational systems including colleges that do not fully embrace their views. This is why it is always true that elections have consequences, and, we have only begun to see what things will be like over the next four years. But, don't forget, God can even use a Pharoah to free His people and in the process, gain great honor and glory for Himself. Amen. ...... More later.

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