Friday, May 17, 2013

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." Ephesians 4:29

What a welcome sight for sore eyes! I'm talking about Friday, of course, here on this May 18, 2013. That little A to Z menu of age related ailments that I shared a couple of days ago had to be updated some before I could include it in my daily visit. There were three examples that I thought were inappropriate for sharing. They were mostly borderline but if you have to wonder whether they are or not, better to change them. That presented me with a little bit of a challenge since their replacements had to rhyme. I'm not saying I did a great job of it but I liked that list enough to make the attempt. Many would say we are all adults, so what's the problem? I can tell you this. We are living in a society that is becoming more and more coarse every single day. No. That's not just an old fogey talking. Listen to me. I see stuff posted on Facebook every day that can't be passed off as anything other than vulgar, period. Many of these photos, captions, or comments are put up by children and teens. The abbreviations used by some are enough to make a sailor blush. Well, we were taught different than that and I believe we should do our best to maintain the higher plain even if it is considered to be something out of the dark ages. And, I will Amen myself on that one!

While I am stirring with a stick, I want to remind us all that our arguments at times can fail to include a primary context: compassion. Folks get so wrapped up in their passionate rhetoric, they might just fail to appreciate how someone who is destitute or disabled might feel about the same issue. I believe in personal responsibility as much as the next fellow but I also know that saying that as a mantra does not apply to every person, many of whom would love to be able to do more to take care of themselves. I have been blessed to have missed very little work during my 50 year run. I came to learn that to be a blessing not some symbol that permits me the right to beat up on a sickly individual. Sure, attitude is important and I have no patience whatsoever with those who abuse the system. I was counseling someone the other day on this very matter. He was complaining about another individual calling in sick and I mentioned to him that he should be thankful he was well and didn't need to do the same. There's a very old saying that helps us to be reminded of where our heart should be. Back in the mid 1500's a preacher confined to prison for his faith used to watch the prisoners being led by his cell on their way to be executed and it was recorded that he said these words, "There, but for the grace of God, goes John Bradford." Some good advice for you and I. And, again, I will Amen myself on that one too!

And we all have seen that boomerang effect where bombastic attitudes change dramatically when catastrophe strikes. Suddenly, the lens through which all things are seen undergoes a reality upgrade. What a difference there can be! But, enough of that. I've run out of tirades and Amens for today, therefore, I am ready to send us all off to a good Saturday and a time of worship and reflection on Lord's Day Sunday. It's been a pretty heady week for stuff to comment on. Washington DC alone has kept us all weary with the stuff flying here, there, and everywhere. I think that's the way it has been pretty much since there has been a Washington. But, let me leave you with a little of a cooler thought to end our week. A friend made a phone call from London to his friend in Alaska:"How are you, I heard on the news that the temperature there is -40?" The response, "You must be kidding, it's not true, it's only -10." The friend persisted, "But I know that's exactly what was said in the news on TV, it's really -40." Finally he got it,"Oh, I see, I think they must have meant the temperature outdoors..." Okay. Y'all take care now, you hear? Lord willing I'll meet back up with you next Monday, somewhere around the same time and on the same station.    ......More later.

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