Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Working hard to make a difference but also taking time to monkey around!

Already Tuesday, January 11, 2011 and I should be able to say I am off and running. Should be, but the year is surely off and running and perhaps I am more or less already trying to play catch up at this point and time. I need to find that list of things I had planned on doing differently this year. Oh, that's right. I never made the list. This doesn't mean I haven't thought about some areas I would like to improve on in this new year because I have. Many of them have to do with the priority of spiritual matters as they relate to my day by day living. I am not getting any younger and I feel comfortable being in the last quarter of my time spent out on the playing field. But I do want my time to count and I especially want to do my part in handing down a legacy of recognizing God and His truth just like it was handed down to me. This may require that I pray more about this matter so that I can live out and leave for my children and grandchildren some kind of testimony that will register like the one left to me by my grandfather. It's not some huge event or special announcement. It has more to do with getting up every day and with intent going about all that is done in a way that speaks up for truth, honor, integrity, and the hope we have in our faith. If there is a hand off of any kind, it does require something to hand off. Right? Sure it does and I need to think soberly about the influence and impact of a living testimony.

My great grand gig!
Last Friday we were privileged to attend our little Madi's party as she celebrated her first birthday. Okay, let me put on my great grand hat for a moment. Never have I seen a one year old enjoy a party more than our little bundle of Madelyn Joy. It was surreal. She was the perfect little birthday girl. We had a great time and I said all of those things just to get you warmed up for when you ask her Paw Paw about how she responded to all the hoopla at her party. My stuff is likely somewhat tame compared to how he would gush over it. I've always taken the more conservative approach. You haven't noticed? One year old and look what kind of world we are building for her generation. The economy is in the ditch. Folks are suffering all around. There's violence seemingly on every street corner. The shooting in Tucson is another example of how messed up a person can get. That little nine year old girl who was killed was born on 9/11 2001. She had been one of the children featured in a book about a new generation of hope rising up from the ashes of that fateful attack on our country. She was an outstanding young lady mowed down by a madman who succeeded in wreaking so much pain and suffering with one pistol. Now the finger pointing has begun. Everyone wants to find someone to blame. Political points are there for the taking. But who is really the blame? Perhaps we as a nation, individually as citizens, and collectively as a people, need to remember our God mentioned so prominently by our founders, and renew our commitment to His well known principles. If and when we do, we can see hope for the future of our little bundle of Madelyn Joy. 

The cousins!

The cousins!
On Sunday my wife and I accompanied our Alexander Benjamin to attend our Brady Darrell's 5th birthday celebration. They had originally planned on doing it at their house with a moon walk brought in but a couple of inches of rain right smack in the middle of the schedule caused that one to be shut down before it got started. Instead, they moved it to one of those indoor play centers with all the inflated slides, mountains, and other obstacle course like venues. The place is called Monkey Bizness where kids can monkey around. I did observe a whole lot of monkeying around, that's for sure. Turn a bunch of little boys loose along with a few girls and the race is on. An hour of that type of exertion nonstop did get their heart rates up and ready for some pizza and birthday cake. Brady enjoyed it all including almost wearing himself out opening presents. I admire our daughter in law for tackling all the coordination and handling for a group that size. It was fun to watch the little ones have fun. Why do we go out of our way to recognize a child on their birthday? First and foremost, it is because every child is special and we want them to know it. God gave them to us and we want to do our best to nurture them and help them to become all that God has planned for them. Someone recently told me we must attend a lot of birthdays with so many in our family and I told them, yes, but what a blessing it is to be able to do so. Now, I will return to remembering to remember the work I need to do in getting my act together for the new year. Seems like only about a year ago I was working on the same issue! May God bless each one. Amen.            .....More later.

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