Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fitness, Coldness, Football, and Political Foolishness!

Hello Tuesday people it's January 25, 2011, and I bid you welcome to another episode of You Were There but You're Not Willing to Admit it. Jack LaLanne is dead. Finally. Okay, don't go getting all riled up because I am only joking. He was 96 and still pumping iron right up to the end. Give me a break already. I can remember seeing him on the black and white small screen way back in the day. Just watching him used to make me want to pour a bag of salted peanuts into my RC Cola. Joking again, but just so you know, that treat mixture was a staple for us growing up. He is credited with bringing fitness out of the gym and into people's homes. And, you have to give the dude credit. He was a walking testimony of what living a fit life can do for you. Of course for those who favor couches and potatoes, he most likely will not be missed. I thought this one quote from the AP story pretty much summed up his life: "At 60, he swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco — handcuffed, shackled and towing a boat. Ten years later, he performed a similar feat in Long Beach harbor." Handcuffed, shackled, and towing a boat? I wonder if they still have some of those juicers for sale? I also noticed that Neil Diamond turned 70 yesterday. Is it just me, or does anyone else out there remember him showing up with all those hits as a teeny bopper?  All I can say is to agree with Snuffy Smith from the funny papers, "Time's a wastin!" And, it is getting away from us all.

I read where they are expecting up to 50 degree below zero temps in parts of Maine this week. I watched a clip from Minnesota where the guy was throwing boiling water off his balcony and it was turning to ice and snow before it hit the ground. Having seen what really cold weather can be, I think I will be whistling Happy Days Are Here Again next time I have to wrap my pipes, how about you? It's hard to fathom just how cold these types of temps are. I remember being in Chicago back in the mid 1990's and it was a few degrees below zero there and it caused all kinds of problems. Fifty degrees below zero with 12 inches of snow and a 15 to 20 mph wind? We are talking polar bear arctic stuff here folks. I caught some of the football games Sunday and they were both played in very cold weather. Let me see if this is how one might want to fill in their day? Bundle up and get ready to barely be able to stand the cold and then get run over by a 300 pound lineman! Hello crunched bones! The games were interesting at times but overall they were not that exciting to me, perhaps because I really didn't have a dog in those hunts. My wife rarely ever watches any football but she is for anybody who plays against Pittsburgh. I reckon it goes back to those famous Steeler and Oiler battles way back when and perhaps that AFC Championship game that Houston lost out on a Superbowl appearance due to a bad call in Pittsburgh. I recommend that she move from grudge to neutral since surely the statue of limitations have run out by now. One would think!

The President will make his state of the union speech tonight. They tell us he will basically redefine himself in preparation for his 2012 run for another term. He is prepared to now play the role of one who desires to unite instead of divide. He will use the tragedy out in Tucson to make points about having a more civil and respectful discourse going forward. It will be a transformation of sorts. From the fire breathing left leaning policies that defined his first two years in office to a middle of the road centrist position just in time for the election. I actually prefer the President to stand up for what he believes in, but getting elected, some say at any cost, is now front and center for him and his advisers. For two years he belittled business, especially big business, every time he spoke. Now he wants to partner with them to help create jobs. This last election that saw the House retaken by the Republicans along with major Republican gains in the Senate did change the landscape some. How is all this viewed by the folks back home? Get the economy going again and we will more or less forget about everything else. At least that is what he is hoping and I rather think he is right. The economy most likely will do more for itself than what happens in Washington, however, he will get the credit if it improves, therefore, my prediction is that if the economy recovers, his election is pretty much a given. I know that isn't good news to many of my readers but that's the way I see it from that very personal viewing stand, actually called The View From Here. Have a great day and remember in the end, it's all in His very capable hands. Amen.             ......More later.

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