Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Good morning and welcome once again to another episode of my wacky way of writing about things large and small. It's Wednesday, March 4, 2009 and I have said all along that our area will not be immune from the waves of economic ruin that continue to ravage our nation's financial well being. Yesterday I visited a mega oil services company and the experience was chilling. This is a worldwide many multi-billion dollar enterprise but right now they are in the throes of curtailing operations in every segment of their business. The area I visited seemed to be dazed or perhaps stunned would be a better word. I learned they had just completed a cutback of 355 people in that division along with 250 temporaries. They had also done an across the board cut in pay and were now seeking volunteers for reduced working hours. No, this isn't Detroit, but we can't continue day after day to see things fall apart globally without it creeping closer and closer to our home turf. The other morning on my way in I heard the comments from a senior economic professional who essentially admitted what I have thought for several months now. He said the things that used to work aren't working and he along with his colleagues both here and abroad really don't have a clue as to what will work.

I know you didn't tune in to get your Wednesday's dosage of gloom and doom. However, in the face of these uncertain times it is a very good time to become certain about the things that we can be sure of. There is good news in all of this. Billy Graham had said early on that if these hard times bring people to God then it would be a great thing. He was talking about the finding of God being a treasure greater than anything we could have or hold in this life. I haven't seen any direct evidence that people are turning to God but I would suspect it is happening at many different levels all over our land. I well remember the surge of response to seeking God that came after the 9/11 terrorist attack. Churches were overflowing for months. However, once we collectively picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off, we essentially went back to doing our own thing. It is the doing of our own thing over a long period of time that brought us to where we are today.

I was taken aback when listening to one commentator explain some of the intricacies within some of these mammoth global financial firms in how they had exploited loop holes in the regulatory system to an extent never known before. These schemes which were blatantly financially unsound, clearly inappropriate, if not illegal, became like a consuming vortex swallowing up greedy participants on a worldwide basis. The current unending bailout of AIG is perhaps the best example of this unbridled wrongdoing run amok. Why must we continue to pour billions into this company in trouble for its wrongdoing? Some estimate that if we don't some 400 other major institutions could fail because of their connectedness into AIG's portfolio of corruption. Wow! We do have a genuine mess on our hands, don't we? Okay, back to the good news for a moment. God is still God. He still cares and He is still just like He was before all this started, our ONLY HOPE! Am I concerned about all of these things? Yes I am. Am I concerned for my children and their children? Without a doubt. But, in the end, I can only do what I can do and that is to cry out to God to accomplish His will and that we will see our nation return to being who we should be: One nation under God! Amen, and may God help us is my prayer. ....More later.

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