You just knew I had to give you something on barking up the wrong tree. I've actually hunted with dogs that became confused where the squirrel had gone and they ended up barking up the wrong tree while the target was well on his merry way. We use that saying to indicate that we are wrong in our assumptions or that we have arrived at the wrong answer or wrong place. Therefore, if we are knocking on wood or crossing our fingers or any other seemingly harmless action but actually have begun to believe they make a difference, then we too have missed out on where truth really is found. I have been surprised over the years at the number of believers who carry with them long held superstitious quirks. They might laugh them off as being childhood habits or amusing add ons but far too many have a deep seated seriousness about them. I'm not making fun of them but only to say that our faith in God is the answer to all our needs, our hopes, our dreams, and our sense of well being, all the time, yesterday, today, and forever.
We have some of these things deeply rooted in our minds. I know even when a black cat runs out in front of me, I immediately think about bad luck. I do not for a moment believe that black cats do anything at all to impact our destiny, ever, unless maybe one thinks they do and they swerve their car trying to miss the cat and hit a tree and hurt themselves. But it's the fact that all our lives we hear these things and we are around people who do believe in them, therefore, whenever we come in contact with them, we immediately think about the symbolism involved. I've known plenty of people who would always go out of their way to avoid having a black cat cross in front of them, or they would never even think about walking under a ladder, or any other number of things thought to bring bad luck. The Apostle Paul said that when he was a child he thought like a child and acted like a child, but when he became an adult or reached maturity, he was required to think and act in a mature way. He was dealing with the concept of spiritual growth but I believe it is a good lesson on the subject of putting aways childish things that actually distract from our walk as one who, moment by moment, breath by breath, is in the hands of the God we believe in and serve. These are some randomly generated thoughts thrown up against your wall and perhaps something stuck and you can use it. If not, at least you can make a wish and blow out the candles on my today's blog! Smile, it is good for whatever ails you! May God bless. Amen. .....More later.
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