Monday, January 8, 2024

Just When You Thought He was Gone for Good! Wham! He Shows Up Again!

Okay. Yep. I am still breathing air on the planet because of God's grace, mercy, and love. Happy 2024 folks and welcome to my blog once again. Today is Monday, January 8, 2024, and we are off and running. We just completed one of our busiest Christmas seasons. It was our 14th year to represent the Jolly Ole Elf along with his wife, Mrs. Claus. Me, at 77, her, at 76, can readily say, "It's only by the grace of God!" We already have many folks clamoring to get us on the schedule for this brand new year. That's a good thing if you are in the business of knowing this to be an ongoing venture, but, for us, it is, literally, a take it one year and one day at a time. We have to be honest. We are thankful for the health we have but that doesn't mean we do not have age related challenges. At any rate, we are pleased that people are pleased with our portrayal of these Christmas characters. And, many of you know, it is easy for Mrs. Claus, being a natural extroverted people person, and, she can warm up to almost anyone. For Santa, well, it is a work in progress. I can do it. It helps that I love children but since I am naturally an introverted person, I have to embrace that love in order to pull it off. I can do it. I have 14 years to prove that, but, I always do better with Mrs. Claus by my side. We are a team and she helps me to be the best Santa that I can be.

Will we be able to do 2024? We have our uniforms cleaned and ready, just in case, and, we will tentatively put dates on our schedule, knowing, that our ability to show up will be in God's hands. As the letter of James makes clear, chapter 4: 13) 'Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14) whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15) Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” 16) But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.' We cannot presume upon our own ability to accomplish anything, even given our recent experience. We choose to put our plans in the hands of God and then respond accordingly. Don't be uninformed, between the two of us, we have more doctors than you can shake a stick at. (Paw Paw Mac's saying.) I remember my foot doctor, or, podiatrist, telling me that since I occasionally wobble a little, likely connected to my diabetic neuropathy or an associated blood sugar drop, that I should get myself a walking assist mechanism, yep, a cane. Are you kidding me? I was just a wee bit stunned with his response. He went on to say that it is always best to get it before you actually have to have it. Wow! The bottom line, I have one now. I haven't used it but I have it. It's in the corner. You know. Like Tiny Tim's crutch. See what I mean? Lots of factors go into how each day unfolds.

I used to chuckle when I would look from the kitchen at Granny and Paw Paw Mac's into the added den and see Paw Paw in the rocking chair sleeping, out like a turned off light. He could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Uh oh! Now I have those who chuckle when they see me doing the exact same thing. They say things like, "He's out as soon as his seat hits the recliner." And, many more, some very funny. To them, of course. I suppose I've come, in so many ways, full circle. We had a noted Bible Preacher, Dr. Jerry Vines, 86 years young, preaching last Sunday at our local fellowship. At 86, he brought a tremendous sermon, 45 minutes, rarely coming up for air. Outstanding delivery. Tremendous insights. It's a God thing. I didn't get the chance to ask him how quickly he falls asleep, but, his ability at his age, gives me and others great encouragement as we continue the journey God has given to us. Well, I have enjoyed my time spent at the keyboard and it's been wonderful to visit with everyone again. Here's a fact. Many on my old distribution list have been promoted to glory. Many. That's sad because we don't see them anymore but we are also, at the same time, happy for them, since they have achieved their real destination in this life and heaven is now their home. Y'all take each day and live it with God's help with an attitude of gratitude because He deserves our worship and thanks. May God bless each one. Amen.

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