Friday, May 18, 2018

The shoe is now on the other foot: "The circumstances have reversed, the participants have changed places."

Well, hello there, my, it seems like it was only yesterday. Yep. It was. The last time we met up. Now we move on to today where we are eagerly anticipating, (I know that I am), the end of this work week. That's right. It is Friday, May 18, 2018, and I do bid you a hearty hello and welcome to today's episode. If you were reading my blog ten years ago, here is what I had to say, ~ Fortuitous Friday! I know it's a little long today but it is what it is. While the word fortuitous is related to the word fortunate and usually reflects the idea of things unfolding by lucky chance, those of us who are God’s very own know that our lives do not play out based on this type of happenstance. In fact, the believer’s life is 100% in God’s hands at all times, period, end of story. We do live in a sin-cursed, fallen world that is dangerous, and often experience troubles in our sojourn here. However, we can always depend on God to be there for us and He will see us through the good times and the bad. The blessings involved in being His very own child far outweigh the very temporary challenges we have here, and even those difficulties typically can also become sources of praise to our heavenly Father. ~ Much has happened over these past ten years but I do believe my blog posting back then was an accurate portrayal of the life of God's own children, and, it remains that way today. For that, and so much more, we give Him the thanks and praise. Amen.

There is an audio recording taking the internet by storm. It is being played on every social media platform. Millions have listened to it. Some who listen to it hear one thing. Others who listen to it hear something totally different. Some hear the word Yanny said over and over again. Others hear the word Laurel over and over again. Me? The first time I listened to it I heard Laurel one time and then the rest of the brief recording I heard Yanny. When I first saw it pop up I thought it was something to do with Laurel and Hardy, the slapstick comedy team who were active from the late 1920's through the early 1950's. I soon learned that it wasn't. Supposedly, it has something to do with how each person's brain works. The audio experts are weighing in. Engineering folks have their assessment. Those who traffic in psychological processing, they have their opinions. So far, I really don't know if it means that much if anything at all. There are those who think it to be some type of trick or hoax. It does tell us one thing. It doesn't take much to get folks involved and stirred up. Not much at all. They now have improved recordings that guarantee the listener will hear whichever one they want to hear. And, even some that promise you will hear both, alternating. At the end of it all, it is another day for us to be busy in doing our best to embrace and be productive on the day the Lord has made. I think it best that I occupy myself in that endeavor. What say you? (For those who want to hear some true certified nerds talking about this, here's a link for you:
My wife insisted that I tell the doctor how easily I fall asleep. She contends that if I get still I easily can fall asleep. Like I did in the waiting room down at the hospital. She was thinking maybe I was developing a form of sleep apnea or even narcolepsy. I dutifully brought up the subject to my primary care. He asked me a number of questions. Do you sleep well at night? I do. Do you feel rested when you wake up? I do. Do you snore all the time? I don't. I wasn't altogether pleased with his conclusion. He said it seems to him that I don't have a medical problem, but, people in their 70's have earned the right to nap. Like I say, I'm still trying to process all of that. It almost sounds like he was making an old age assessment. I did defend myself to the wife. I told her that I had not fallen asleep in Church lately. She said she couldn't be sure because I had learned how to position myself so that it's hard for her to tell from the choir loft. Here's a really funny one. Her singing partner mentioned to me that my wife actually fell asleep in the choir loft during services and that she had to nudge her with her elbow. Really? She did what? The watcher fell asleep? I could hear a whole lot of clucking going on. It was the sound of chickens coming home to roost. They always do. Not that I would ever mention it to her. That's just not how I am put together. I'm not completely sure but I think that little revelation made my day. And, I slept even better the next time I got good and still. You do know I am mostly joking around here. I hope she does too. With three months until I hit 72, I've made it to a new status in life, 'I've earned the right to nap!" Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Lord willing, I will see y'all again, come next Monday. Until then, may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. .....More later.

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