Monday, April 4, 2016

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!” ― Robert Browning

Welcome back. Today is Monday, April 4, 2016, and I'm here with some good news, along with some not so good news for me, myself, and I. There is a small village in Italy that boasts of having more than 300 of their residents who are 100 years or older. Scientists have worked to try and figure out why this particular place has so many centenarians. (I looked it up. That is the right name.) It turns out there is a herb that is prominently featured in the diet of these remarkable Italians. It is Rosemary. Here's what one source said about cooking with Rosemary: "Rosemary is one of the most aromatic and pungent of all the herbs. Its needlelike leaves have pronounced lemon-pine flavor that pairs well with roasted lamb, garlic, and olive oil. Rosemary is also a nice addition to focaccia, (a type of flatbread), tomato sauce, pizza, and pork, but because its flavor is strong, use a light hand." That's good news for them. The not so good news for me is because to my knowledge we've never used Rosemary as a seasoning agent. Not that I know of. I suppose lemon-pine wasn't on our list of cooking ingredients. My guess is there's likely other reasons as well. Maybe they don't have the internet there or cell phones. And, just maybe they don't have bloggers who waste time talking about the reason some people live longer. I wonder if you can buy that stuff in large quantity. You know. Maybe at Sam's.

I've really been trying to pay more attention to the control of my diabetes. I sometimes feel like I'm auditioning for a role as a pin cushion. Diet and exercise are probably the areas where I can have the most impact. I saw a cartoon the other day with a lady sitting at a table with this caption: "Pilates? Oh heavens no. I thought you said, 'Pie and lattes.'. One lady said he named her refrigerator Jim so that she could tell her nosy friends that she gets up and goes to the Jim (gym) every day." I love the fact that people around me care about me caring about my situation. I get this one a lot: "Are you really going to eat that? Is that okay? I mean, you know, with your condition and all." Even my grandchildren occasionally weigh in. I do know they care and I also am thankful they want me to hang around a while longer. I will share one thing that I believe has helped in this latest iteration. More pricking. Ouch! I've become more consistent in checking my fasted blood readings. Increased awareness, if you will. We will not know until I return for my 90-day check up but looking at my averages I can tell that I am doing some better in keeping the numbers lower. I always want to acknowledge the fact that while I am a diabetic, my situation is child's play compared to so many others. My heart and my prayers go out to all who are battling this disease. Amen

Why the fuss about this situation? Doctors orders. He works with me and that's not such an easy challenge, therefore, I am attempting to work on the areas he mentioned to me. It's a kind of partnership arrangement. And, I very much respect him and his contributions to my health and wellbeing over the past several years. I hear many people complaining about their doctor(s). I couldn't do that. And, I'm thankful that I can't. That doesn't mean I wouldn't tell a funny story about my experiences with my doctor. Since I am on this subject, here's a couple of related jokes. ~ "Doctors at a hospital in Brooklyn, New York have gone on strike. Hospital officials say they will find out what the Doctors' demands are as soon as they can get a pharmacist over there to read the picket signs!" ~ The seven-year-old girl told her mom, "A boy in my class asked me to play doctor." "Oh, dear," the mother nervously sighed. "What happened, honey?" "Nothing, he made me wait 45 minutes and then double-billed the insurance company." ~ Okay. That's it for today. What have we learned in class today? Eat more Rosemary and pay attention to your doctor. See you next time and may God bless us, one and all. Amen. .....More later.

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