Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How we do what we do counts. Yes it does!

Thanks to those who actually recognized that I was gone last week. It is Wednesday, May 2, 2012, and the journey continues. You know that little ditty about influence and how they don't care how much you know until they know you care, well, that's a little of how I feel about those who are so faithful to read my daily blog. I get comments from time to time that indicate a level of sincerity and absorption that humbles me but it also makes me want to do my very best in the sharing of my thoughts and ideas. In other words, because the way I've written this, other words are needed, I do want my time spent with you to reflect not just data, facts, statistics, and information, but also a sense of caring and passion about the things I write about. Speaking of being missed, the folks I work with here were so gracious in welcoming me back. I believe they actually missed me. I would hope we all desire to make a difference wherever we happen to be, therefore, it is good to know that folks miss your presence.  And, I'm not just talking about the projects and activities that we handle. I'm talking about our personal influence and the contribution we can make to the betterment of the lives of those we come in contact with. Many years ago, after I left the big company, a long term associate of mine shared with me some of the changes that came about after I departed. They said the environment became openly coarse with language used that I would have never permitted. They said it became aggressively 'me' oriented with everyone grasping for what they could gain or get. I hated to hear that. I didn't share that to pat myself on the back but here's my point: Folks, we can make a difference and that difference can be a positive influence on others. And, that's a good thing! In fact, that's a part of our God given calling.  Amen.

After that little sermon I don't know whether to give an invitation or to receive an offering. It's a joke. You can laugh. No one will probably see you anyway, so go ahead. Have a good laugh on me. Here's a little story that might make you smile.  "Did you hear about the preacher that was worried about his teenage son because the boy didn't seem to know what he wanted to do when he grew up. So the preacher figured out a way to find out what his son would do when he grew up. The next morning he came up with a plan, on the kitchen table he placed four items, A Bible, a silver dollar, a glass of whiskey, and a Playboy magazine. If the boy picked up the bible he was going to be a preacher like his father, that would be fine, if he picked up the silver dollar he would be a business man, that would be good too. If he drank the whiskey he would be a drunkard, that would be bad and if he looked at the Playboy magazine he would be a womanizer, that would be worse. The preacher hid behind the door and waited for his son to come down and see the items. When he came down the boy noticed the four items on the table and walked right over to them and first picked up the bible and put it under his arm. He picked up the silver dollar and put it in his pocket. Then he drank the whiskey and opened up the Playboy and started looking at the pictures.The preacher hung his head down and thought, Oh my, he's going to run for congress!"

That little story might be an unfair representation of the Congress as a whole but it certainly does reflect what most folks think about politicians. I'm still thinking about that one. A fellow on my Facebook posted yesterday how that April 30 commemorated the inauguration of our first president, George Washington, in 1789. Think about your thoughts about George Washington and then think about your thoughts on today's political leaders. That disconnect is palpable. In spite of all the revisionists and those who do their best to tarnish the factual representation of men like George Washington, he and men and women like him, are set apart in their proven track record of devoted service to our nation. Honor. Courage. Sacrifice. Selflessness. God honoring. These are not the things that come to mind in our modern times and I submit to you that makes for a sad state of affairs. Was George Washington perfect? Absolutely not! He had personal faults and failings just like we all do. But, when it came to serving the cause of liberty, he and others like him, stood up and put the welfare of the future of our nation ahead of their own personal thoughts of ambition and gain. Let us pray that God will raise up some kids, yes, even some preachers' kids, that will emulate and embody these character traits so badly needed in our nation. The Psalmist said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...", and I say Amen to that. (Psalm 33:12)  .....More later.

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