Friday, January 27, 2012

Since I never got the hang of marching, I'm now meandering to the beat of a different drummer.

Good morning and welcome to this work week bookend, Friday, January 27, 2012. Very early yesterday morning just after I had sent my blog out, the electrical power also went out. I was the only human person on the property. One of my co-workers had a scented candle on his desk and I finally figured out how to get it lighted. I also had my flashlights. It was just me and those infernal feral cats. You know those wild cats that roam the property like they own it, and choose as a hobby, staring me down. Oh, there's no doubt they are aware that I am not real fond of them. Therefore, I can see them channeling up some inner lioness along with that stare. And, that stare is sending a message that says this: "One of these days dude, yes, one of these days." You think I might be a little paranoid? Maybe I am. But I just have to tell you those cats give me a case of the old fashioned heebie-jeebies. I always try to get a head start on the next day's blog. No power. Sitting alone in the dark. I do have some of those flexible lights you can wear around your neck. You know, the ones, As Seen On TV, where if you buy one set you get another for no additional charge. (My guess is they could have set four sets and still made a profit.) I turned those little lights on and grabbed me some paper and began writing many of the very words you are now reading. Longhand. Old school. What's that you say? Long-winded too? Hey, that's not nice, especially for a fellow using primitive writing tools.

Quiet. Dead silence. Not a creature was stirring. That's something we all long for, right? I could see my computer just sitting there. It looked as if it was still fully dressed but with nowhere to go. Without electrical power it wouldn't even make a very good door stop. That reminded me of how the old preachers used to describe our need of God's power in our lives. Without His power at work in us, we cannot achieve the purpose of our life as a believer. Having been saved by His power, we need a daily source of enabling ability from the Spirit of the Living God. Without His enabling power we may look good on the outside, like my computer, but with nothing to show in terms of results. Without His power we can end up producing very little and could be called what my grandfather used to say, someone who looks deader than a door nail. We do well to recognize Him as our Source. Only when we are connected can we be enabled to live in a way that brings honor and glory to His Name. Now that is a good thought for the day especially for those three fellows sitting here in the dark, me, myself, and I. This would mean I need to get plugged in every day so that I can achieve all that He would have me to do! Amen.

Across our state many thousands lost power on Wednesday during the storms that passed through. We didn't even bobble here. Yesterday it was clear, crisp, cool, and then, BAM, without any warning whatsoever, someone flipped off the switch and I was in the dark. I remember watching those PBS series where they took ordinary people from our modern times and carried them back into a time when everything had to be done differently. One series saw about fifty people who had to live off the land with only the same provisions that our Pilgrim ancestors had. Sounds like fun? Not even a little bit. It was actually painful to watch these people try to make it each day. We do take our modern conveniences for granted. The people who tried to go back 300 years learned to work with their hands, in the sultry heat and the very bitter cold. They had to deal with mosquitoes and other pests. They had to find and kill game to feed themselves. And, they had to deal with new hardships each and every day. This was a harsh reality brought to this approach of intense make believe. They shed tears, wrapped their bloody hands, and fought exhaustion each of their weary days. As I watched these programs I had a renewed sense of admiration and respect for those who came before us in search of a land where they could enjoy religious freedom. I thanked God for them and I also thank God for the advances and the advantages He has allowed us to develop and use. May we all find ourselves using them for His honor and glory. Okay. The power was only off for a little less than 2 hours and I soon returned back on to the computer and he and I both were smiling again. May God bless each one until we meet again. Amen.         ....More later.

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