Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thanking God for His causing us to stop and think!

Consider this to be your wake up call from the front desk on this Thursday, July 22, 2010. This past Sunday one of our lay ministers filled in for our vacationing pastor. His subject dealt with answering two questions about himself. What is it that I have too much of in my life that I need to eliminate? What is it that I have too little of in my life that I need to add? His chosen answers were human pride for the first question and a genuine passion for Christ as the identified need in the second question. He then used the Scriptures and illustrations to deal very directly with these two issues, and I, like most there, certainly felt the conviction of God as these very critical needs were presented. But this approach got me to thinking. Yes, I am aware, that with me, this can be a somewhat dangerous activity but at times I indulge myself and do a little thinking anyway. I know in my life how I divide or spend my time is very much a critical part of how I stay close to being on track. When my priorities get blurry and I find myself spending my time on things that may be okay but not the best, or certainly not the best for me, given my particular needs this can lead me to being even more weebly wobbly than normal. When I was listening to the sermon I recognized that knowing what I need to do is typically not the problem but doing something about it is where I, and most likely many others, struggle.

This always leads us to the pregnant question: What is it I can do to make progress in these areas that are so evasive in my life? Our Wednesday evening Bible Study has been focused on reading through Ezra and Nehemiah. Ezra records the Jewish people returning from captivity to the land of Israel with a mandate from God through the then ruling Persian King to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. This call went out to all of the Israeli captives throughout the Persian Empire. While no doubt countless numbers were aware of this call and the freedom granted to pursue it, less than 50,000 responded and made preparations to return. The text tells us those who had been moved by the Spirit were the ones who determined to honor this call from God. Many who did not return helped fund the huge effort required to relocate and then rebuild the focal point of worship of Jehovah God. They got back into the land, got settled in, and then they had this remarkable dedication service when they relaid the foundation for the Temple. What a celebration! What a time of great excitement! And, they rose up to build. They knew what their calling was, they knew God was with them, they had their priorities straight. However, we read about some adversaries that rose up to interfere with their work. They first stood their ground but eventually we read these sad words, "Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem ceased." How could this be? What happened?

I think what happened to them is exactly what happens to us all. They knew what they should have been doing, therefore, it was not a lack of knowledge, but obviously, they lacked courage, commitment, and faith that God would help them achieve the work He had given them to do. Now here's the interesting thing about all of this. What did they do when they quit the work God had called them to do? They actually turned to themselves and began building up their houses, their businesses, and spent their time pursuing their own personal interests. This went on for twenty years and God sent a Prophet by the name of Haggai to confront His people. When he stood and asked why they were no longer pursuing the work, they responded by saying it's not the right time. He then asked was it the right time for them to be building their own houses while the House of God lay in ruins. Through a series of messages God's conviction came upon them but a secret is revealed in all of this about finding the motivation to stay on track with God. That secret is revealed in their finally doing something. What did they do? The Bible says they got up and began to gather the materials to do the work God had called them to do. When they were obedient to the specific word of the Lord we read that God then stirred up their hearts and we see their work become effective despite the obstacles and adversaries that still existed. What does this tell me? When I fail to stay focused on the priorities God has for me I must return to being faithful in the little things, and He will help me to overcome the challenges that stand in my way of fulfilling the calling He has on my life. Sounds simple but obviously it wasn't for them and it took twenty years before they got it, and we are mostly just like them but this doesn't mean we can't do something about it, today. That's right. Today is the day you have, I have, we all have to get back up, dust ourselves off, and begin again to do the things that God would have us to do. I told you that it can be dangerous when I get to thinking too much but hopefully this outcome will do someone some good, beginning with your very own faithful blogger guy. May God help us is my prayer, and by the way, that's the only way they made it, and it's the only way we will too! Amen. .....More later.

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