Thursday, July 29, 2010

No that smell is not coming from Baytown or Pasadena!

I believe this is Thursday, July 29, 2010, and it is almost time for 'the event' to take place. I know there are so many sitting on the edge of their seat to see President Obama in his special appearance on the TV program, The View. I have never watched this program. I have seen clips from it. I have read excerpts from it. And, all I can say is that if he thinks he will help his collapsing poll numbers by showing up at this outrageous far left wing hen session, especially in trying to improve his image with ordinary hard working Americans, well have at it, Mr. President. Perhaps he's trying to get his word out to the 18 million un and under employed and he thinks they might be home watching this excuse for anything meaningful. He's supposedly going to be on for the full hour and it's a first for a sitting president to show up on a day time program like this, and to me it lowers the statue of the office and it belittles the presumed prestige that comes from being the most powerful man in the free world. We now have learned this program was chosen over going and speaking to 45,000 Boy Scouts. Of course the Scouts are more or less out of vogue because they honor God and dare to tread on political correctness that rules in this administration. This appearance by the President shows there is panic at the Whitehouse and the folks over there are grasping for anything that might give them some boost, somewhere. The President is coming to our area soon but Bill White, democratic nominee for Texas governor will not be able to attend this democratic fun raiser because of a scheduling conflict. He's the head of your party dude, the democratic party, and you have a scheduling conflict? Is he really that toxic in Texas? More so than an acid spill into the ship channel the way I see it. Scheduling conflict, my foot! Can we all stand up together and respond: Come on now you politicians out there, do you really think we are that stupid?

It had to happen. You know that grossly overweight people now have to buy two tickets and occupy two seats on commercial airliners. Two tickets versus one ticket? Now we have the spectacle of Southwest Airlines having to admit they bumped a skinny passenger so they could sell two seats to a fatty. As Abe Vigoda's character Tessio said in the first Godfather movie, "Nothing personal, it was just business." I also read this week that the unemployment rate being near 10% was accurately predicted by 49 economists polled a year ago. If I were them I wouldn't want to show up anywhere in public to accept my award for this dubious distinction. And, I am also certain their prediction ability is little comfort to the multitude of millions struggling to put food on their tables. A bee keeper was called to a home in Miami after several neighbors reported bee stings. He discovered and removed a hive containing 3 million bees. The folks who lived in the home said they had noticed the bees being around for about a year. And, you thought I didn't pay enough attention, didn't you?

Many of you have probably not been keeping up with something called the 'Journolist' scandal. This is the uncovered emails and content stored on a computer server by a sizable number of super liberal newspaper writers, TV people, and other left leaning commentators. What does this huge amount of information tell us? In 2008 these media types banded together to do anything and everything to see that Barak Obama was elected as President. They agreed to use their platforms of influence to kill or discredit anything negative about Senator Obama and to trash any and all who opposed him. In other words, what we see is something pretty remarkable indeed. Instead of it being the vast right wing conspiracy as first voiced by Hillary Clinton, it turns out to be a vast left wing collusion who used their vocation as those who report news factually to distort, defame, and destroy any and all that stood in the way of their chosen leader becoming president. One issue in particular stands out. This liberal group saw the deadly potential from Senator Obama's Pastor for twenty years, Jeremiah Wright. Therefore, they conspired to call anyone a racist that even mentioned this connection. Meanwhile, Senator Obama was able to use the unbelievable lame excuse that he never heard any of those hate filled sermons that are now all over the internet. He actually acted as if he was not that close to the man he patterned the title of his best selling book after, "The Audacity of Hope." Now we know the rest of the story in exactly how this explosive matter got trashed and was unable to gain traction. I am not a Sarah Palin supporter but when you read how they agreed, before they even knew that much about her, to do all they could through planted falsehoods to destroy her and her family as a way of hurting McCain's chances, it will turn your stomach. Now you know why conservatives call it State Controlled Media. They even considered and talked forth and back about going after her afflicted child. Let me be clear. There are excesses on all sides and we all know it. But, it is more than appalling to read the gutter stuff these people trafficked in, and then to think it came from those who proclaimed a love and calling to the work of journalism in telling the truth. Are you sure about all of this? They have not denied any of it because it has their names, dates, and their words recorded. Don't believe me. Read it for yourself Bucko!

I was beginning to get a little heated up just thinking about it. But I may still have time to catch that episode of The View. NOT!!! Now you just go out and have a good day because they, we, them, us, you, and I, can plan and plot all we want to, but, God is still Sovereign and He has the first and last say about it all, forever and ever. Amen. ......More later.

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