Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Unilateral blinkmanship!

From my limited perspective, I’m beginning to understand the new administration’s game plan in representing our country to the rest of the world: Speak mostly empty words that sound good and carry no stick at all! This orientation that says we can somehow make sweet talk with those who put ammunition belts and hatred placards against the USA on their children’s infant photos is not only laughable but it may be escalating the risk to our nation by the minute. Look at the results since the handover of power on January 20th. North Korea has not only tested multiple nuclear detonations but it is now openly threatening an attack on Hawaii and the mainland. Iran’s response to the kissy kissy dialogue has been to increase their nuclear efforts, run a patently crooked election, and to crack down on any dissent as they have intensified their defiance against the principles we hold dear. Our new siding with the enemies of Israel has put their survival at risk and things continue to go badly in Afghanistan and Iraq. The frenetic and disconnected rush to try and dispose of the enemy combatants in Guantanamo, Cuba may accomplish the widely heralded closing of the prison there but at what cost to our national security? We took a hands off, do not meddle, policy in Iran, seeing many shot and killed as they stood up for democracy. In stark contrast the administration did their best to work behind the scenes in Honduras to keep a man in charge who had defied the people’s constitution but without regard to these efforts it ended in a military coup anyway. Okay, so it’s politics again on this Tuesday, the final day of June 2009, but in my defense that’s what came up when I did a quick search of the contents in my current affairs file stored somewhere in that vast frozen tundra of my memory bank.

This disingenuous charm offensive being advanced by the Obama regime written to the tune “We are the world” is unfortunately taking hold but from a layman’s point of view, (that would be me), it appears to be having the opposite effect than that intended. I know it is still very early on but my view is that at least in the near term instead of bringing reconciliation or concessions, it has tended to embolden the forces of hate as they test the new administration’s credentials (called Street Creds in Chicagoland) in conducting effective foreign diplomacy. Those representing our country say they desire to repair and restore our image and reputation, but again, at what cost? We Americans want to be recognized for who we are as a country and what we stand for, but our government’s first responsibility is to protect our people, period, end of story. Many wondered out loud about whether this new team would be strong or weak and I think we are beginning to see indications that strength is not going to make the cut list. Having the Navy Seals kill off a couple of teen aged pirates does not constitute a stand against the tyranny found all over our globe.

Listening to the many pundits that favor appeasement at any cost reminds us of how well that has worked in the past. Can anyone remember Hitler, Stalin, or Mao? Hundreds of millions of voices were silenced during their reigns of terror. Using kind words in trying to make sense to people blinded by ideology and inbred hatred will not end up protecting our interests as a nation or the security of our families. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush were not always right in how they handled the affairs of state but one thing we did know was that we as a matter of policy were not going to give in to, show respect for, or embrace in any way whatsoever any country whose stated determination is our destruction. That’s no longer the clear message being sent and we would do well to pay attention to how the world is responding. Too much blinking is going on and it seems to all be coming from our side. May God help us is my prayer each and every day. Amen. …..More later.

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