Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact." ~ George Eliot

Good morning and welcome. Today is Wednesday, December 9, 2020, and I bring you greetings from my upstairs office to wherever you happen to be. I typically put my blog together early in the morning on the laptop downstairs, but, today, (Tuesday), the wife is hosting a ladies' Bible study and luncheon, therefore, I'm upstairs and I thought I would get a headstart on my blog. During this thirteen-year run of daily visits, there have been more than 255,000 views. The blogs with the most views include the following:


I have always been somewhat puzzled about the one I wrote on fried chicken gizzards having the second most views. I do continue to love them but I don't eat them as often as I used to. While the title I chose for today's visit is good advice, I cannot say I have adopted it as a way of life. The words recorded in my nearly 3500 blogs are proof enough. And, I have never dodged the accusation that I am a very wordy person. As I have often mentioned, it may be the fulfillment of my grandfather's frustrated question, "Will this boy ever come up for air?" I added the grammar correction program back in June of 2016. According to their reporting, they have checked nearly 1.7 million words during this four-year run. I've been at this for thirteen years and my first few years were even more word prolific. Do the math. I've most likely slung out over 5 million words since I began this venture. I remember attending a business writing seminar one time. One of the exercises involved writing sentences and then, as a team, trying to eliminate as many words as possible. Needless to say, but I will say it anyway, I did not enjoy that part of the program. Having other people take a hatchet to my prose, not my cup of tea, or even, not my cup of Community Coffee, and that last one does up the ante. At the same time, I do appreciate all who take the time to tag along on my wordy journey. Thank you very much.

Mr. Bentley is here with me in the home office. Since he can't go downstairs even though he knows there are people down there, well, he considers being locked in with me to be a form of cruel punishment. Here is what he recently posted on the Shi Tzu Facebook page, ....Bentley here, "Because of COVID we are singing a new version this year, 'I'll stay home for Christmas, you can count on me.'" I do hope you know I'm just having a wee bit of fun today. I'll leave you with one of the colloquialisms I grew up hearing, "Y'all take care now, you hear?" May God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.

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