Wednesday, August 12, 2020

“It kills me sometimes, how people die.” ― Markus Zusak

Hello and welcome to where we will be celebrating today, all day long, and it's Wednesday, August 12, 2020. Families. They can really be something. As most of you know, I read through a lot of obituaries and some of them are very interesting. I read one the other day and the fellow had a large family. Not one person carried his last name except for his parents who had preceded him in death. The sons all had different last names from his. I'm sure there is a story there, but, since it didn't explain any of it, I am left to conclude families reflect humanity and we, at our best, can become very mixed and messed up. Here are some excerpts from actual obituaries from ~ Rick Stein “was reported missing and presumed dead on September 27, 2018,” after the single-engine plane he was piloting lost contact and disappeared off the Atlantic coast. Investigators are perplexed as, according to his family, Stein didn’t know how to fly a plane. Also, his family can’t quite seem to agree on exactly what Stein did for a living: Was he a restaurant owner? A jeweler? A sports journalist? A trail guide in the Rockies? Or a YouTube star? Accounts vary, but one thing is certain: Rick Stein will be missed. ~ Danny Lloyd “was a generous man — giving away many of his possessions in the months before he died.  He even left his car to twelve different friends…” He was a ticket scalper and broker, or as he called it “a facilitator of supply/demand economics.” If you are attending the memorial service, “please ignore Danny’s scalper friends who might be offering to upgrade your seat for a small price.” ~ Price Mackenzie Davis “was killed when he rushed into a burning pet store to save a litter of purring, adorable kittens. Or maybe not. We all know how he liked to tell stories.” ~ Raymond Alan Brownley embraced life, warts and all, and leaves behind a legacy of love, honesty — and powerful chili. ~

Sometimes it is hard to find anything to watch on TV even if you have all kinds of streaming options. The other evening I found myself watching news bloopers followed by some of President Reagan's best debate lines and a reel of his best jokes. The news bloopers are funny because they are spontaneous and the people involved respond in all kinds of ways. Of course, the proverbial holding on to a sign during a hurricane or rainstorm is required in these types of compilations. As far as it goes with President Reagan, one forgets how excellent he could be. Probably at the risk of being tagged with some kind of label, I also say his demeanor was typically always presidential. I'll let the scholars continue to fight it out regarding his competency and accomplishments, meanwhile, I continue to believe him to be the best president I ever voted for. Twice. Obviously, his approach was what America felt we needed. In listing the top 10 presidential debate moments, here is what Time magazine said about Reagan, ~"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," Ronald Reagan quipped during the 1984 presidential debates when asked if, at 73, he is too old to be President. The line — a classic example of Reagan's sense of humor — even solicited a laugh from Democratic opponent Walter Mondale. (Never mind that Reagan continually mangled the facts during that election's debates. The Republican actor-turned-statesman ended up winning by a landslide).~ I guess they couldn't resist the parenthesis zinger at the end.

Bentley here with a word of caution, "Don't believe everything you read in the newspaper."
I do continue to post and exchange forth and back photos and information on the Facebook membership page tagged as the Shi Tzu Addiction Group. The group is international and has over 15,000 members. Most of everything posted is about Shi Tzu's, however, there are some pesky cat owners who sometimes attempt to highjack with their feline photos. I've mentioned before how our Mr. Bentley has developed his own following on this page. Because of that, I am using up some of the time I have on my hands to come up with clever ways for him to visit with folks who monitor the page. I recently posted the one above with the caption. I know what some of you are thinking. It really does appear that I have way too much idle time on my hands. You are way too late my friend because I've known that since this past March. Or, perhaps, way before then. I did do another video intended as a source of encouragement to folks in my Bible study group, my family, and friends. I had not made one in a while but I was reminded last Sunday how doing something seemingly so trivial can be a blessing to others. A lady called me out after our service on Sunday and said she wanted me to know how much they had enjoyed my videos. I didn't know her. She then went on to tell me the convoluted way in which someone they know is known by someone I know and the someone I know sent my video to the someone they know and that person sent it to them. I know. After a while, one needs a scorecard. She said they were very encouraging to them. Bingo! Thank the Lord because that was my intention! I leave the link here for those who might want to view this new video:  

May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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