Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I think what we have here is my version of life imitating life.

Hello and welcome. I bring you greetings from our version of the frontlines here in our area, on this Wednesday, March 25, 2020. I showed up yesterday morning at the big box store at 5:50 a.m. They have designated a special time for those over 60 on Tuesdays before the regular store opening at 7 a.m. I thought, why not? I arrived to find a long line already formed outside the store waiting on it to open the doors at 6 a.m. I found my place and there were maybe 75 ahead of me. When the doors opened the front line got to the toilet paper and wiped it completely clean, no pun intended. I spent nearly an hour finding everything the wife had on her list. We've done without power due to flooding and hurricanes, we had to rebuild our home after Hurricane Ike, we know what it means to see some stuff cleared off the shelves but today was the first time in my lifetime I have waited outside of a grocery store so I could purchase food. The shelves were pretty much empty except I noticed the Easter goods were full to overflowing. When it came time to checkout, the only way to do it was via the scanning systems. Only one register was staffed and it was for 12 items or less. This set up one of the most beautiful comedic scenarios I have ever seen. All the elderly folks were hovering over the scanning devices trying to complete their purchases. Husbands and wives were working together. More or less. In some cases, a whole lot less as they argued forth and back about how to use the scanner. There was a line waiting to have their go at it. I had a basket full of stuff. The entertainment value was great and those behind me would continue to watch the show when I got to my workstation. It was an eerie experience but one that might end up being prophetic for us all.

We know this young mom who lives here in the Houston metroplex but she is from the same area of Louisiana where we grew up. We know her folks. The husband is able to work from home using a computer but with all the coronavirus stuff going on, mom and the three boys went back to Louisiana to wait out the situation. She posted on Facebook how overjoyed she was to be going home. She put up photos of the road sign designating them getting closer to home. She put up photos of the beautiful country road and home where they would be staying. She was now at peace. How wonderful. Fast forward to three days later and I see this posting, "Does anyone know of any highspeed internet availability in this area because we are dying here?" How quickly things change. From peace and tranquility to challenge and calamity. Having teenaged boys who are gamers no doubt played a role in this development. My point? You can go home but no matter where you are there will always be something. I know. That's not a very astute observation, but, it's the way I see it.

When we get angry we call it righteous indignation. If someone else gets angry we say they are out of control. If we are apprehensive about the times we are living in we call it Godly concern. If someone else seems to be nervous we call attention to their lack of faith. As I was at the store I thought about how money was not the solution for this situation. Maybe someone could have paid $100 dollars for the two packages of toilet paper in someone's basket, but, generally speaking, having money was not going to cause products to suddenly show up on the shelf. It reminded me of a very wealthy family, led by an unbelievably successful dad. The dad developed liver cancer. I heard the son talking about their plight. He said they had their private jet, they had millions to spend, and, they could go anywhere in the world to find help but alas, all of that together could not save their dad. I don't know what worldly things we are depending on today. Some of the supposed most certain have pretty much evaporated over the past few days. We who profess faith are rightfully reminding others that God will work it all out according to His perfect will. However, we are early into the impacts and things continue to deteriorate before our very eyes. I pray that when tested, we will maintain our testimony of faith in our God. I pray that for myself and for us all. Amen. .....More later.

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