Monday, March 12, 2018

Happy Birthday to our Celeste Danielle!

I pause today to recognize a very special granddaughter. This is a remarkable young woman. She has had to deal with many obstacles during her sojourn here, but, she is an overcomer! A noted academic scholar and now currently serving the public as a police and emergency dispatcher, we couldn't be more thankful to God for her and the life that He has given to her. A few months ago she was involved in a near-tragic work-related accident while doing a ride along. She had to have multiple surgeries and was in the hospital for an extended period of time. After that came rehabilitation. Again, she put her heart and mind to the task at hand and God provided. It wasn't easy, but, she is now back at her regular schedule. Resolve. Fortitude. And, beauty. Happy Birthday, Celeste Danielle, and may God continue to bless. Our love, MiMi, and Poppy.

Well, well, you did show up after all. Good. Now it's time for us all to get on with all that we have on our plate for today, Monday, March 12, 2018. I will admit that I was as shocked as anyone regarding a potential meeting between the murderous dictator from North Korea and our President. Hopefully, a lot of thought will be put into this meeting before it actually happens. If it does. However, may I go on the record, one more time, to point out the obvious. The seething, scathing response from the liberal left is absolutely pitiful at best, and, totally disingenuous. They are appalled that anyone would even consider having such a meeting. Wait just a cotton picking minute. These are the same people that fawned all over President Obama for his giving away billions to the murderous Iranians. In fact, they heralded him as a world statesman for accomplishing this so-called nuclear agreement. These same people, openly lampooning President Trump for even thinking about this meeting, they are the same ones who fell all over themselves in President Obama's outreach to Cuba, a regime known for its brutal treatment of any and all citizens who fail to fall in line with the dictatorship. I'm doing nothing more than pointing out the blatantly obvious. It's easier to see than the neon emanating from Vegas on a very dark night.  If people can't see this politically motivated flimflam, well, I can't really help them. But, you can decide for yourself. Man, some of this stuff is hard to believe that it could even be read off their teleprompters with a straight face. This is why trust for news media is in the tank. Period. I rest my case. Again.

Yeah. I agree. I sure do a lot of resting my case regarding the stuff I write about in these daily visits. And, as I often do, I add the fact that it happens on all sides, but, this one was so glaring, I felt like I should share it. This is the reality in our world where everything that happens is subject to being politicized and spun. Both sides and everyone in the middle take their shots. I get a little weary hearing people talk about how this situation has always been a part the fabric of our politics. That is likely the case. However, historical instances did not exist in a world where instantaneous communications allow these manipulations to go viral. Social media becomes saturated before a response or correction can even be formulated. Often, the damage is done, in real time, on the fly, and it continues to circulate as truth long after it has been proven to be false. I see this all the time. Certain media folks continue to quote discredited reports to support their findings long after they have been rejected by independent fact-checking sources. By the time someone in a political setting has an opportunity to set the record straight, they are way behind on the new ones that need to be dealt with. Lightning speed. Even a planted rumor can do major damage. That's the world we live in. Sadly, the technology is not the issue, it's the use of it to instantly plant seeds of doubt, real or imagined. Just from my little corner of the world, I see stuff being posted and reposted time and time again that has been proven to be false. Because it agrees with a person's political persuasion, they grab it and send to all their friends, without regard to whether it is true or not. I agree this kind of stuff has always been around, but, today it can be unleashed to take on a life of its own. You do have my permission to read this again when you have trouble going to sleep. It should help.

Okay. I suppose you now know what I have to deal with in trying to manage the little gray cells. They are very difficult to corral on any given day. Have yourself a most wonderful rest of the day, Monday, and I'll see you next time. Lord willing. Until then, may God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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