With Veterans Day being celebrated tomorrow, I pause to recognize, honor, and celebrate each and every person who has worn the military uniform of our nation. May God bless each of them and their families. Amen. I see where a major organization representing African Americans is calling for the removal of the Star Spangled Banner as our national anthem. I can't speak for anyone else but I do know how I have responded to this entire issue of disrespecting our flag, our nation, and those who have bled and died to allow us the freedoms we enjoy. I have not watched a professional football game since all of this hullabaloo began. I was boycotting before boycotting became cool. I have never doubted the heartfelt concerns that individuals might have for whatever issues they are concerned about. However, as much as their concerns may have merit, I cannot see how protesting the very existence of our country is going to advance their cause. And, in addition to that, to do so during an entertainment event that is bought and paid for by fans, well, that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to me. I know they have a union and they are threatening all kinds of dire consequences if anybody doesn't toe their line. To me, that makes me even more determined not to watch their shows. Just me. We actually have only two more races to go in this year's NASCAR championship, therefore, after that, I suppose it will either be ice hockey or a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood movie. We do have a vote. Now you know how I have chosen to respond. Each person can decide for themselves. Free tickets? No thank you.
I heard a most interesting report on the BBC radio program coming in early one morning. What happens when the most populous nation, China, (1.4 billion people, India, 1.3 billion), begins to grow a middle class? They have resources they never have had before. Money. Those seeing the potential begin to develop markets within this new found buying capacity. One area has been the selling of fish as in seafood. It is growing by leaps and bounds in China. Within just the past few years, China's increased demand for fishing capacity has brought significant increases in prices, and a huge increase in illegal fishing causing some experts to be concerned about the future availability of these food products. Some areas are already fished out leaving those who typically make their living fishing off their native shore without a source of income. Many offshore areas are not able to be policed to ward off illegal harvesters because the nearby countries have no enforcement capability. Why is this something that might end up impacting us all? People sell a product to the highest bidder. The cost of seafood in the future may become prohibitive as China's demand drives up prices. The fish expert they talked to gave an example of how one purchase of seafood for the Chinese market for immediate sell made up several months of consumption for other entire countries. His advice: Enjoy your seafood while you can afford it. I thought it was interesting. You may not. We are living in some amazing times. Enjoy your Saturday and may Lord's Day Sunday find us all in the place of worship. Amen. ....More later.
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