These hacked emails are getting out of hand. Those recently made public came from the private emails of former Army General and Secretary of State, Colin Powell. Bear in mind these emails were private communications between him and a variety of people. However, they have been leaked. Many think the Russians leaked them. Yet, there's some who believe the leaking was done much closer to home, as close as perhaps an insider that did the dirty deed. Maybe for money. We don't know the answer to that one. Interestingly enough, Mr. Powell really doesn't care for either of the main candidates running for President this year. He had harsh words for Donald Trump, saying he was a national joke and an international pariah. (Pariah: outcast. 2. any person or animal that is generally despised or avoided.) The mainstream press loved that one. The international mainstream press loved it as well. That was their lead in the reporting on these leaked emails. But, wait just a cotton picking minute! Mr. Powell had 100's of emails where he excoriated Hillary Clinton including one where he said she screws up everything she touches. Those were not the lead in the mainstream press. In fact, the NY Times played it by saying Mr. Powell has scorn for Trump and irritation with Clinton. Irritation? Essentially, if Mr. Powell's influence means anything, and that's debatable, it would seem that, he, more than anyone else to date, gives detailed reasons to question Clinton's ability to function effectively as the highest elected official in our land. After the so-called 'non-contagious' bout of pneumonia, Ms. Clinton wasted no time, not in answering to any of Mr. Powell's assessments of her, but, she said the more important issue was the Russians trying to mess with our electoral process and she implied that Donald Trump was perhaps somehow implicated because of some of his comments about Russia. If you are waiting for it to get ugly. You are not paying attention.
I am not alone in thinking this is the strangest election situation in my lifetime. I actually hear that one expressed by people of all walks. Weird. Crazy. Insane. Preposterous. Embarrassing. Sad. I actually can own every one of those without too much thought. Meanwhile, there are folks who see it differently. I know folks that I grew up with who are on the opposite side of the world from me in terms of their political leanings. They post stuff all the time to indicate that. I was surprised. They were raised up like me. They went to the same schools and churches. On a personal basis, I wonder what happened. But, that's just me. Don't get the wrong idea, I very much recognize and support their right to make their own choices based on their own reasoning. Maybe they fell and hit their head or was in a bad accident of some kind. You do know I'm joking about that. I would not even think about thinking about separating from them. Why? Maybe they will be hit by lightning and come to their senses. Another joke. The connection we have is not based on our politics. It's based on our shared upbringing and all the memories it implies. Okay. I know I finished a long time ago but my fingers just kept walking across the keyboard. They do that sometimes. Have yourself a wonderful day and remember to thank God for it. Amen. .....More later.
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