Thursday, September 11, 2014

"9/11 was a deliberate, carefully planned evil act of the long-waged war on the West by Koran-inspired soldiers of Allah around the world. They hated us before George W. Bush was in office. They hated us before Israel existed. And the avengers of the religion of perpetual outrage will keep hating us." ~ Michelle Malkin, Conservative Commentator

9-11. I know exactly where I was when I first got the word. I am sure you do as well. It is a day that we will never, ever forget. May God bless the memory of all those who fell as a result of this heinous act and especially for the sacrifice of so many who gave their all in trying and rescue as many as they could.

Life continues and we are still learning and it is good to know that we still can. Right? Some of it can be quite humorous. Well, that's what I am mulling over this morning, on this Thursday, September 11, 2014. The other day I was out doing my regular thing at 6:30 a.m. opening up our main shop building. There's this bushy cedar Christmas looking tree that grows right up next to the shop door. Just as I was putting the key in the lock a fluttering bird came out of nowhere and here's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, it scared the living daylights right out of me. If I had been hooked up to one of those heart monitors it would not have recorded some crazy spikes, it would have most likely disintegrated. Thank you Mr., Miss, Ms, or Mrs. Bird! Just because I'm not a pet person does not mean they need to be sending emails to each other about it. I don't like things fluttering into my private space/face when it is still dark thirty. Fast forward to yesterday. Went out just like normal. Put the key in the lock and bam! There comes the bird again. But this time instead of doing a shut down test on all my blood vessels, I just said good morning and kept on going. I may have asked if they particularly enjoy scaring old people. See? Still learning. Did I mention that I really don't like to learn in that type of situation? Oh well, life goes on. And, I think we all can be glad about that.

Our great granddaughter has started Pre-K. She is so excited. She can hardly talk about anything else. We now know that it is official. How? She's not even five yet but she's already been given a fundraising portfolio to sell items to help support her school. I know these schools are needy. It's a part of the fabric of our modern times. But, a four year old? Don't get me wrong. We will buy from that child. You can count on it. However, what a wake up call for her regarding the workings of the free enterprise market system. She's four. She can't write. But, knowing her, she will take this assignment very seriously. This must now be a back to school given because we are already purchasing from several kids at our local Church. I suppose it's good that the product or trinket will be available in time for Christmas. (That's what they are told to say.) I remember once as a kid trying to sell seeds. Don't laugh. Remember, I was raised up in a small rural town. I can't remember if it was school related but I do know that selling packaged seeds based on a little catalog with pictures was not that easy. I'm sure there was a prize involved and I think they still do that type of incentive today. A little kid can get pretty excited about winning a little flashlight for selling a few hundred dollars worth of merchandise. Like I say, they might as well start young and it looks like that part of the program is working.

I'm certainly not blaming the schools. We know enough teachers to be aware of how limited their resources are. We also know the companies that sell all of this stuff are doing quite well, thank you. They end up with a highly motivated sales force out there knocking doors to hawk their products. I had a fellow who worked for me once who was friends with a man who was in this business. His friend was very well off.  The schools are needy. The little kids do the selling. The people providing the merchandise make out like bandits. I don't know if there is anything wrong with that picture or not but we can't fix everything. Right folks? One would think that making a good return as opposed to a grossly disproportionate and excessive windfall might be a better formulation, but, that's just my way of seeing it. You know. I say that without a whole lot of specific knowledge of the details but as my own self appointed OIC, (Observer In Chief), I have done my observing, even if it is limited. The good news is that schools will be helped and kids will learn valuable lessons and we will all enjoy flavored popcorn for the holidays. My wife loves everything to have an happy ending so I threw that in for her. Take care, enjoy your day, and thank God for it. Amen.  ....More later.

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