Thursday, December 5, 2013

“My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, December 5, 2013, is here and I do invite you in to visit for a while, so pull up a chair, and let's enjoy some Community Coffee, and solve a few of the world's problems. The fact that it is hard doesn't mean we can't give it a shot. Right? There's some really smart people in this world. It's kind of hard to see how a really smart person can be so forgetful. I'm talking about the chief legal counsel to the IRS. The Congress is still checking into the IRS to determine whether they targeted groups and individuals because of their political affiliation. The counsel, Mr. Wilkins, is known to be a very clever attorney. Yet, when asked specific questions about decisions made that deal with legal matters within the IRS, he answered "I don't recall.." more than 80 times. Whoa! Where I come from that would be a whole lot of don't recalling, if you know what I mean. No wonder they rarely ever get to the bottom of anything in Washington. Or, when it is all said and done, do they really want to would be a very good question. I'm picturing my mom holding a plum tree switch with tentacles going in all directions as she challenged me about some shady action on my part. I'll give it to you straight. I am 100% sure that me saying I don't recall would have only hastened the unpleasant outcome. Ouch!

Yes. You are right. There is reason to believe that selective amnesia just might be one of the factors in that little tidbit. And people wonder why we all get sick and tired of being sick and tired with the whole lot. But enough about that. How in the world are you doing today? What's that? You are able to put two on the floor and get up and go and because of that you feel blessed? Wow! That's not a bad way to look at a start to each day. I might even try that one myself. We have a number of folks that are in need of prayer due to facing a variety of challenges. Sometimes I am stirred from my sleep and find that I have a specific person on my mind. The thought I have goes like this: Could it be God? I then say a prayer for that person and go back to sleep. The Psalmist David had quite a lot to say about his communion with God during the night watches. That reminds me of the portion of the passage from the 121st Division of the Psalms that says this:

He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep

That's good to know in a world where we all are required to work without a net. Right? That can be a pretty shaky challenge at times so it is good to live in the knowledge that, as they say today, God always has our back. Knowing that to be true is a good thing. Having confidence in it is a source of courage and stability. But, living it is where the rubber meets the road. Some of the testimonies of folks facing horrific life threatening potentials indicate their belief that it was time for them to live out their faith in God, not based on their feelings, but rather, based on the certainty of His presence, promise, and provision. I'm reminded of some of the words of a song popular in Christian circles from a few years ago:

But it was in the night
Through the storms of my life
Oh, that's where God proved
His love to me

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn

I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm

That my friend is so true. May God help us to grasp the reality of His grip on us. Amen.      .....More later.

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